VLE – sounds very mysteriously. This is both your pseudonym and name of project founded by you in the year 2001. Understandably I'm interested in the meaning of the mysterious word “VLE”?
The name VLE is derived from the term “the eViL onE” as I am perceived and misunderstood. VLE is just another channel for my own personal expression… a Virtual Listening Experience… nothing more.
The inspiration for this project were things like sunset, ocean, darkness, silence and a persons different emotional states or moods like chaos, beauty, light, pain, harmony, whether, power, etc. Why did you use the things mentioned above for your inspiration, instead of poetry, pictures, or other forms of art?
Although in the past I have used art and writings as a means of communication, it is only within the realm of music did I find the surest path. Music is my life… it is the only reason I continue to inhabit this earth.
Wait, wait… Your last maxim sounded very suspicious. So, if I understand this right, if you stopped creating music your life wouldn't have a meaning on earth?
What I mean is that for me, music is something that has given me reason to exist from day to day. I honestly believe if I did not create within this realm, I would not desire a place on this earth.
I think, that you believe in existence outside carnal in other dimensions or even other worlds…Do you?
In a more spiritual sense, yes. Not sci-fi or religious.
In your music I sense a lot of influence like, ambient, new age, gothic, and black metal. It creates and interesting piece of artistic work. Everything except percussion (which was done by your friend Michael Molina) was recorded by you alone. But I think that you chose different sorts of music styles because you had a reason.
Throughout my life, I have absorbed many different musical influences so it is quite natural for me to write in different moods/styles… I can only create what appeals to me. Yes, Michael Molina played acoustic drums on “Kano” and I used the drum sounds from synthesizers on all others tracks. I utilized whatever instrumentation available to me at the time.
To me you seem more like a philosopher, not a musician (that oesn't mean I don't respect your musical skills). If I'm not mistaken you surely posses your own way to eternities or nonentities…
I wouldn't consider myself a philosopher, but I do possess very strong ideals and personal views. The music of VLE is definitely a reflection of this.
I suspect that your lyrics aren't simple, but since the vocals were sung pretty low I couldn't understand the words (skipping the fact, that my English is not the best)…
Some of the vocals are low in the mix, because generally I treat vocals as just another instrument. Also it is the first time I have ever used my voice on a recording and let others hear it. I never feel comfortable singing, but I felt that there were instances where I wanted another instrument to express certain emotions… that is when you will vocals. All lyrics are based on my own peculiar thoughts, feelings and concepts, which are expressed in a very ambiguous poetic style. I don't plan to ever release the lyrics, so I guess people will continue to wonder what the hell it is I am screaming about.
Every one of your compositions is gifted with an intriguing title ex. “Kano”, Trilogy of the 1”, “Stark”, “3 in 5”, “Drift”. Surely, these titles aren't without a meaning, right?
Yes, everything has meaning… the question is how relevant it is. The song titles are taken from my own personal feelings and how they are related and represented within the music. “Kano” is a story of rebirth. Basically it represents an opening up of the self. It begins with birth and goes through a period of existence filled with confusion, which gradually shifts towards genuine chaos… the awakening of the soul. It's a very abstract interpretation, but it is not really meant to be concrete in definition of concept. The changing atmospheres tell the story very clearly. There is ascension towards chaos… which is the atmosphere running through most of my works. Here, you can equate chaos with knowledge or power. “3 in 5” is all about reflection. It's a very dark and abstract piece. I feel there is a lot of darkness in all of us and with this song I was trying to descend deeper and deeper into darkness because I wanted a taste of the beauty there. A way to escape the false existence of the “sunshine world” we like to create for ourselves. I was searching for something dark, beautiful and very calm… that which I can't obtain in this world.
You don't agree however that existence of man is leaning o harmony, that is the intention of something powerful (of all-embracing energy) and then is not without reason. I think, that chaos is the contrast of harmonious energy. Man feeds the existence of chaos, often consciously or unconsciously penetrating into chaos.
In literal terms, I suppose you are correct, but the chaos I am referring to is used as metaphor and encompasses the entire existence of all matter as it relates to human suffering and happiness. One man's harmony is another man's hell. What I am trying to relate is that within chaos there is harmony and vise versa. Have you ever felt utter happiness? That is chaos. Have you ever felt utter despair? That too is chaos.
The first part of “Book Of Illusions” is filled with excitement, melancholy, sufferings, romanticism, (thanks to ambient) and finishing on aggression, anger, hatred (thanks to gothic-black metal) But the second part of the “Book of…” is more quiet material, crowded delicacy also with melancholy (with the help of instrumental keyboards). You announced, that you will publish the last, third part of the “Book of …” which was recorded in the same time that the two previous parts were. What was the reason of the delay of “Book Of Illusions: Chapter III”?
No real reason other than I have yet to find the time or motivation to organize and release it… hopefully soon this will change.
I thought that when the opportunity comes you will mention several of your favorite bands, but you didn't so, now I'm forced to ask you about this immediately …hahaha…
I listen to all kinds of music… Metal (black, death, doom, progressive, avant-garde, etc), classic rock, easy listening, classical, ethnic music, old country music, gospel, some jazz, and other stuff I can't classify. If it moves me, I will listen to it. I get this question a lot, but I if I started to list even one band, then this interview would be a few more pages long… sorry.
Can you characterize this unknown material (“Book Of Illusions: Chapter III”) for us?
Chapter III will be the most aggressive, dark and diverse of them all. There will be more songs with vocals as well. Although the music is already recorded it is not all mixed. I hope to improve on the production quality this time as well, but since a lot of the original material began on a shitty 4-track, it kind of limits the potential for a pristine production. Still, I don't think the production quality will be much worse.
I have an impression, that you don't have want to create still music. Am I right? If so, why?
If you mean to ask will Chapter III be the end of creative works under the name VLE, then the answer is no. Chapter III only marks the end of the Book of Illusions trilogy expressed through the music entity VLE. I will never stop creating music. My creative methods will not change, but maybe the production quality will.
Do you have any ideas for future projects? Perhaps there's something in your head already?
All the music I create should be understood as being representations of my dreams, because it all generates from the subconscious. As for new material out side of the stuff on Chapter III… well, yes… I always have ideas floating about somewhere in my head. The real question is, will they ever be released?
What did you want to reach by recording these three projects?
Illusions are real…
What do VLE do on daily basis?
Just as every other living creature… exist.
You are very mysterious and very thrifty in words. I hope, that your last statement will be long and rich in meaning, from VLE to BORN TO Die'zine readers.
Well, since I'm not very good with words, I'd just like to invite all you Born to Die freaks to my domain… come experience my world of illusions and leave your mark. Gnom, thanks for your interest in the mind behind VLE. Play it loud! Hail and Kill!!