GRAVE DIGGER – Interview with Manni
For 20 years, Grave Digger stands as a true German Heavy Metal band. „Rheingold”- the new Digger's album shows them as a band inspired by R. Wagner's opera. Pure, heavy and melodic. Since „The Grave Digger” LP, and Uwe Lulis' departure, we can hear Manni Schmidt playing in GD. Luckily he has found some time to answer few questions about the band, their brand new release, and his adventures in Rage.
BLACK STEEL – Interview with Dave
BOYD RICE – Interview with the eloquent and very beautiful Boyd.
I would like to thank Boyd Rice for this opportunity. Not only interesting, but very pleasurable as well. I apologize in advance for any misspellings of people’s names or locations, as I was not familiar with some of the people and or places Boyd spoke about or quoted.
STURM – Interview with Thomas
If one has read the review of STURM, he possibly wonders what made me do the interview. The answer is quite simple – I don't know! It's possible I've heard a voice inside me telling me to go and speak with Thomas. The second possibility is that their music – though boring – made me feel nice and since I had a lot of high voltage in the bottle… I regret that we'be been both drunk and the interview turned out like that. After all I'm intrigued by the band for I ask myself: is their latest release the best they can do or just a joke entitled “Fragmente”?
Hi Thomas! When was the last time You were interviewed for a polish magazine? Or maybe here in Poland people are not willing to present STRUM in their zines?
7th NEMESIS – Interview with the band
It's been a little while before I can finally present you with an interview with 7th NEMESIS. First, I couldn't make myself sit down and write the questions to Alex – I guess it's him who has answered them… Then the contact adress has changed and the call “The best chestnuts on Pigal Square” didn't fit the response “Suzanna likes them in autumn” anymore. So Your J-23 agent was forced to hide himself in the basement for Brunner kept on follwing him… Anyway, if the interview appears online tomorrow, I'll be in Top 10!