HEDON CRIES – Interview with Christopher

Hello Christopher, how are you?

Fine Andrew, what about you?

I am well too, thanks for asking! So, how do you feel a few months after your debut album “Hate Into Grief” released?

I feel just perfect. The final result was even better than we all expected it to be although we always think it could be better.

You know it is not easy for a new band to attract fans with its debut album but you managed to do that! Were all the reviews you had positive or not?

Yes, we are very pleased with the opinions of those who have listened the album. Most reviews were positive but there were some classic views like “what a typical singer” or “the production is TOO good”! We want to hear other people’s opinions about our music because what we do is not only for us but it also for other people. There is no point in making an album only for you. If you do not care about other people and you think the right thing is just to like this album to you then why release it through a label? You can have a cd for yourself and that’s all.

What about your label, Sleaszy Rider? Are you satisfied with it up till now?

Yes, of course! Tolis from Sleaszy Rider is a very down-to-earth person and he knows what we need and how to offer that to us.

Let’s go back to your album… I think that whoever listen to it will instantly understand you like bands like My Dying Bride and Dark Tranquility

You got it man! These bands you mentioned are my personal favorites! I like listening to atmospheric death/doom music and bands like Anathema, Saturnus, Green Carnation and stuff like this

Now that you mentioned Green Carnation, what is your opinion about their latest release? I think it is one of the best albums of the current year

I agree. These guys are amazing. They know the way to compose great songs which emit many feelings to the listener. This is also what we are trying to do. We have many feelings inside ourselves and we try to emit them to our music in order for them to can be noticed from the listener.

But this is not always easy, right?

No, it’s not easy at all. But we do not want to do easy things…

These feelings do exist only in your music or your lyrics help the listener to come closer to these?

Our lyrics and our music together create what exactly we want to express. There is no music without lyrics neither lyrics without music for Hedon Cries

Have you composed any new song?

Yes, but not only one or two songs. We have ready our next album which we are about to record in Praxis studio again in a few days!

That’s good news! And what are the differences between the old and the new stuff?

Our new album will be much more violent and extreme and at the same time with more feelings. There are some really fast parts, almost black metal ones, and inside them there are melancholic melodies. You should wait to listen to the final result. We are satisfied only with the rehearsals!!!

Sounds interesting! Let’s see what shall we be prepared for… I do not think I have anything else to ask you Christopher. I will just wait for your next album!

Ok, Andrew. When we record it I will send you a copy to tell me your opinion. Be well!!!

Thanks my friend, byezzzz

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