Just a while ago Human Fortress released their second full length album called “Defenders of the Crown”. It consists of twelve pure epic power metal compositions which encourage the listener to dream and travel back in time. The discussion below is mainly about the album, which it certainly worth checking out, but you can also find out some interesting things about Human Fortress, a really special band hailing from Germany. http://www.human-fortress.com
Congratulations about your new album! I was lucky enough to listen to the opening track and I must admit I was really excited! What reviews has “Defenders of the Crown” received so far?
Why do you only listen to the opener? The other tracks are – hopefully- also very good stuff. To your question: The promotion has just begun. So it's to early to say it exactly but by the time it's hard to get a point by the german magazines. The great ones in which we lay our hope are pushing trash, trash and trash -so the reviews are mostly not objective enough and we loose important points. So we are disappointed with them. But the reviews we find online let us hope that there are lots of metalheads who enjoy our music. The international press praise our album as a great one. The Metalreview.com vote us to the album of the month and the feedback on our page is so great that we find our faith again and also we believe in the metalheads around the world.
How would you describe your current sound (Defenders of the Crown era) in comparison with your earlier releases? What is the basic Human Fortress formula?
Our sound today seems a little bit more different. The production is intentionally more opened than “Lord of Earth and Heavens Heir”… and not so pressed . Not at least by the arrangements of the keys and the orchestral sounds. On Defender you can hear that our keys by Dirk become a essential part of the band. The basics lie at first on two guitars , bass and drums. That's what you hear on Lord of “Earth and Heavens Heir”. Dirk joined the band when the pre-production was done. So he had to work hard in a short time before we enter the studio for “Lord of Earth and Heavens Heir”. Now we find our sound and we are being identificated by “Defenders of the Crown”. On stage we're a little more heavier as you hear on the CD.
What is your line up? Is the group consisted of seven members?
You're well informed. By the time we are seven members. We play with triple axe. That 's live the heaviest metal sound I've ever hear. Frank is the new man and he has to play the leads in the future cause Torsten and I will concentrate on playing mostly the rhythm parts and make them a little more powerful and more interesting. How we can make this working way possible will tell us the future.
Honestly, the first thing I noticed about Human Fortress were the vocals. Do you think the compositions fully take advantage of Jioti's skills?
Indeed. Jioti is a vocalist you have to search for but you'll see them rarely. He gives our music the final touch. Make it become alive and give it all a soul and a heart. You can hear that he not only sing the songs he lives them! He's sometimes powerful, sometimes screaming and sometimes sings with a lovely voice and makes our music kick ass!! It's that what we need, what the music needs. No more no less. This voice is the metal voice so real a voice can be.
Also, I didn't have the chance to listen to any solos from your new album. What kind of solos do you like (melodic, emotional, fast etc)?
On this album you'll find only two real solos. We're melodic melodies lovers. So we only have one who is a little touched by progressive influences ( why not ? ) and a second who is fast-melodic orientate. The rest are lead melodies which not say that they're slow.
Are there any folk elements in your album?
Indeed. There is once more the influence of Dirk who likes the irish folk elements. So you have to listen to Siege Tower- a pure acoustic song with little parts of heavy guitars ( you must hear ) . There you see yourself standing on a middle age market. A real great feeling!
Some metal fans believe that the use of keyboards, particularly in heavy/power reduces the aggression. What would you say to them?
That's the golden pan writers and the problem of the guys in the great german magazines ( see your first question). For about two years ago I gave an interview on which I had to hear that a keyboard has nothing to do with metal. In our opinion it is a very interesting and important instrument which can give emotions and feelings a name. The metal is not only aggression and death and hate! It could be also power/ light/ speed and all kinds you let it be. Why therefore we should specialize it!. These fans gave us hopefully a chance to bring our music to them ?!
What is the concept of the album?
There is no concept on the album. If you talk about that you only can named the lyrics who find their life in the early middle age and fight glories combats with fire, wizards and lionhearted warriors fight against the soldiers of the dark. But all songs are own stories for themselves. There is no concept behind it. It just happened so.
What is the Japanese bonus track?
It's called Masquarde and is an guitar orientated rocker from the beginning till his end. With its killer hook in the chorus we hope that it is the right one for our friends in the far east.
During the summer there were some problems that delayed the release of the album. What were these problems?
In agree with our management and our lawyer we leave our old label and find with Massacre a new partner. That takes a little time.
Now, are you satisfied with the distribution, especially outside Germany?
Not really. Our management is working hard today that all fans find us in the stores. We've heard more than once that our fans are on search but they can't find us. Especially our friends in south Europe and overseas have there a few problems. But it's now on work to find better ways .
Unfortunately, it is very difficult for me to find the album here (in Greece). Although, I don't consider e-shopping reliable, would you suggest me buying it on-line? How can one obtain the album directly from you?
That's the problems we talk about. If you have the chance buy it online. I think that's the easier way for you. All fans who want to buy it online have to contact Massacre records or AMV – Alster Music Verlag. They'll make it possible or give you some addys where you have the chance to find “Defenders of the Crown”.
How is your cooperation with Massacre? Will you release your next album through this label?
At the moment we are cooperating very good. Our management stays all days in contact with them and be sure our next album will be released also there.
I have talked with a few people about “Defenders of the Crown” and Everyone agrees that it must be your most complete and best refined job. Is this true? Have you ever felt the need to go back to the studio and change a particular part?
Before we went to Tommy the whole album was complete. In the pre-production time we gave him our stuff to hear his producer- opinion. He was very astonished about our arrangements that he had not much to do. We'd make a great step there ! The only song who grows up to a better one in his hands was Holy Grail Mine.
What do you expect from this album (sales, recognition, better contract etc)?
At first we hope that the metalheads out there enjoy our music and spend a little time with us in the middle age . If the sales make it possible we can grow up our equipment and fulfil us a few dreams ( European tour perhaps? ….). The contract is no discussion. For the 3 praised great german metal magazines there is nothing more to do for us to be recognised. I think they're lost in their own world their hearts and their souls!
What will happen if things don't turn out the way you want?
We do that what we've done the last 6 years. We write and play music.
What's your opinion about the hot mp3 issue? Do you think loyal metal fans should download the tracks instead of buying the album?
I think it comes the time when bands play in sold out houses with only a few sold albums. What will you do against it? We live in the hope that the fans stay to the metal music and buy it rightly. That's the only chance for bands like Human Fortress. Only then the metal music could live forever.
What do you think of the modern power metal scene? I think there are a lot of remarkable groups from all over the world. Are there any groups you like?
My personal faves are not the modern ones. I'm an old school metalhead but this doesn't mean that there are not some bands who sound interesting. But most of the stuff on the music channels on TV is not my way. My beginnings are Metallica, Maiden, Slayer, DIO, Ozzy …., then I hear lots of prog stuff like Vanden Plas, Jag Panzer, Ivory Tower, Dream Theater – tho Old ones- and some kind of power Iced Earth, Helloween, At Vance, The Reign of Terror and melodic stuff like Stratovarius, Angra …. .
There are a lot of people claiming that there's nothing exciting about Power metal today because the newer groups do nothing but recycling older ideas. What would you say to these people and how would you encourage them to start checking newer releases and why not “Defenders of the Crown”?
That's a hard question: They are the writer with the golden pens who can do a lot for bands like us. Lots of people listen to the music to forget their own problems with the aggression of the music. The difference is that our music shows you another world. Perhaps it takes too much time to let us find the way to their minds. Remember that we all need some time to dream……
As far as live shows are concerned, according to your website's news a release party is going to take place soon. Give us some details.
Yes . Next Saturday 20.9.03 22:00 we want to start a little party in the heavy rock disco Base in Hanover where we raftle also some stuff. We'll hope to find some friends and lots of fans to celebrate the release. It's a good time to talk about us, our music and discussing lots of news and stuff about all?!?! Let us have a nice party .
Besides this, have you arranged any other live appearance/tour etc?
By the time we work with a booking guy and our management together to let this thought become a name. We let you now it on our website. But it will take a little time.
I guess, your current playlist mainly includes songs from “Defenders of The Crown”, is this right?
On this album there is no track which I can say that I don't like it. But it's nearly more than a year ago I 've been listening to the record daily. There are so many new things from my personal faves that I spend lots of hours to hear it.
Next, I would like to ask you if you are satisfied with (your own) peoples' support all these years.
It's not easy to live in two worlds. Privately most of my friends cannot change (?)my way of music. All the years only my brother stays beside me and is always there for recording, hearing and listen to the ideas. Mostly no one knows how much time it takes if you're on job the day and make music in the evening- all evenings-through all the years-. But that's my life and I want it so.
In the end, I think that your website is really cool. Who's designed it? Also, you have a forum. Are you active members of the site?
The site is designed by Matthias Jahnke. You'll find his addy on our page. He's designed our first album and makes lots of the band photos you see there. He's created our Human Fortress logo and makes his masterpiece with the cover and the booklet of Defenders oh the Crown. Today Jioti is the netfreak of our band. He is always in the forum and it was his idea. So he stands always in contact with our fans to speak with them and be there for them.
No more questions. Would you like to add anything?
At first I have to thank you for your interest in us HS . By this way I have to greet all metalheads in Polen. = Hope you enjoy our music = Stay Heavy. You hear from us A mighty hail to Polen.