What lurks in the darkest recesses of one of the most creative minds to hail from Finland? …AND OCEANS vocalist Kenny reveals:
“We haven't been doing shit the last few months, except for the regular things: absinthe & cocaine. Nothing new on the …and Oceans frontier, but we have started up our own label for publishing both music and literature. Onyxia will be more under focus during the next coming months, but …and Oceans will sooner or later update itself with new energies. One of the three videos is still under construction, as well as the soundtrack for the porn movie. Haven't been too energetic on the website updates either, but maybe, possibly, we will find some energy for that too. Hopefully as soon as possible, but life hasn't served us well the last months. No more happy days without unhappy tears. There's a moment in life when the dark is light enough.”
In 2003, …AND OCEANS fans will be treated to a double-disc re-issue of 1997's The Dynamic Gallery Of Thoughts and 1999's The Symmetry of I – The Circle Of O come January 28th.