Black Sabbath, Cathedral, Crowbar, Down… does it ring a bell?
To begin with the music: heavy doomy with that metal edge on the guitars. Not really stoner-rock but 70-influenced in the same vein as the bands mentioned earlier on. I must say that I like this music. It never gets faster than mid-tempo but isn't too slow like for intance doom-metal bands tend to be. Bottom-line: the music never gets boring.
Then comes the big dilemma: What the hell is the vocalist doing?! (no offence, man!)
If you like really ball-less black-metal vocals you should check these guys out otherwise spare yourself from the earache (bad joke once again!). Unless you love I-will-cast-a-spell-on-you-and-turn-you-into-a-frog vocals! This would be a great MCD if for instance Rob Flynn (Machine Head) or Phil Anselmo (Pantera, Down etc.) would handle the mic. Vocals in the vein of Life of Agony or Tool would suit fine too.
The 6 track MCD is released by Earache and I guess these guys are from the UK. The lyrics are total nonsense (or is it their kind of humor?). Judging by the cover (and the lyrics) these guys smoke more pot during one day than Bob Marley did during his whole life-time. Then on the other hand it just might be a gimmick to their image.
the music: 8 out of 10 points
the vocals: can't make a fair judgement without being judgemental