LUGUBRUM „De Totem” - okładka

Well then, more than likely not many people in the good ole US of A will be very familiar with this name so a short introduction is in place. Lugubrum is one of Belgium's premier cult Black Metal acts. It is a sick, raging, tongue in cheek band that plays what they themselves call 'Boersk Black Metle' or 'Farmer Black Metal'. Now don't go away laughing yet… They have been around since around 1992 and have centered around two beer swilling, twisted individuals under the pseudonyms of Barditus and Midgaard. They have released a string of demos and a couple of full-lengths with furious metal in the vein of Darkthrone and the likes. I am still at a loss whether or not to take the band seriously or just laugh out loud at their obvious humor. Ever since their early days they have proclaimed beer to be essentially their most important goal in life culminating in a 'live' show where they locked themselves up in a cellar with their instruments and a fridge full of beer. The show was broadcast on a TV screen on the first floor.

It wasn't however until 1999 that they released their most well known work 'De Totem'. The album includes pig and cow squeals, banjos, twisted riffs and the sickest vokills you have ever heard. Every single time I put this record on I expect a stream of vomit to spew out of my speakers. So vile and twisted are the vocals on this record. The music is pretty much straight forward high pitched black metal with banjo interludes and movie samples every now and again. Depending on my state of mind I either find this record to be supremely grim, as such is its basic outward appearance or I cannot but help suppress a smile on my face. By no means is it a disdainful smile, the record simply contains a lot of tongue in cheek humor which simply appeals to me. I am going to get my ass kicked by what I am going to say next…but….in the so-called 'true metal' genre you have bands such as Manowar or Sacred Steel that tred a fine line between outrageous fun and a serious metal attitude, in a way Lugubrum is similar. Just for that versatility alone this is a worthy record. Be warned this will most likely not appeal to you if you find Cradle or Dimmu to be the height of harshness but then again it was never intended for the same audience. If you are a weathered listener of extreme metal and you want to try something different you should certainly give this a try. Fans of sick and twisted audio terror should be satisfied with this.

Be sure to check out highlight tunes 'Hoornkluiten' and 'Rattenknaeghen' and do not forget the aptly titled intro 'Beer'! I believe that the record is relatively easy to find nowadays, following its recent re-release.


note: 8/10

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