FROM THE RUINS „Lights Out” - okładka
Music: Metallic Hardcore
Duration: 19.32 (9 songs)
Cool songs: Lights Out, Bowing Down, Heart, Grounded in Hell

The Aussie Hardcore scene has always been thereabouts. I remember Adelaide (South Australian capital for you foreign readers) acts such as Day of Contempt and Shotpointblank making waves, but I must admit to be rather ignorant to its plight over the last few years. Melbourne lads Mindsnare are the best of an every growing bunch in my opinion; add to the list the likes of Stronger Than Hate, Daysend and Embodiment 12:14 among others and the Aussie HC scene is in a rather healthy state. There are plenty of new boys on the horizon too. One new act keen to make their impression is Perth’s ‘From the Ruins’.

Right from the get go, it is clear that ‘From the Ruins’ are no pussies. ‘Lights Out’ is tough guy Hardcore – you know the deal: straight up, in your face pit inducing breakdown moshcore. No quarter given, no compromise intended. Capturing an intensity that the likes of Hatebreed and Throwdown would be proud of, From the Ruins must be commended for the way ‘Lights Out’ has been presented. The production (Aiden Barton at Sovereign/Satellite studios) is surprisingly thick in the riff conveying a highly energetic and powerful sound throughout. Furthermore, vocalist Tony Monk carries his bands tunes with impressive gusto, although at times he becomes a tad monotone and as a result some of his expression and diction suffers.

From the Ruins are not interested in wasting too much time either. Like a flurry of left and right upper cuts to the head, Lights Out is a ten round (ten tracks) fight that calls it quits in just under 20 minutes. It fly’s by in lightening quick fashion leaving the listener sufficiently dazed and confused as to just what the fuck hit them. Considering this, perhaps ‘Lights Out’ is over just a bit too quickly – certainly too quick to experiment with any sort of variation on the Hardcore style. Hence, most of the tracks tend to blur into each other by the end. The point is – Don’t expect any groundbreaking territory on this disc. This is Metallic Hardcore. No more, no less.

From the Ruins is a promising act and this debut full length should garner them a loyal following. No doubt the energy conveyed on Lights Out is a key element of their live shows, which they’ll be taking to the road come January 2005. Be sure to catch them.

note: 7.0/10


1.Lights Out
2.Suck it Up
3.Bowing Down
4.Take it Back
5.Heart 6.Saviour
7.Grounded in Hell
8.Fall in Line
9. Home

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