LAKE OF TEARS „Forever Autumn”
What I really like in Harm is that it gives you the opportunity to read about older albums too. This is very good because if someone begins listening to heavy metal now, will have the chance to discover bands that are not hot nowadays.
INFERNAL MAJESTY „One Who Points to Death”
Infernal Majesty strike back six years after the release of their previous album Unholier Than Though. Most of you might remember them from their great debut album None Shall Defy.
SWALLOW THE SUN „The Morning Never Came”
There is no need to review this album. You can just download the sample of Under The Waves in the relevant section and then you will most probably buy the bands debut album! You see, there are some albums that you cant review that easy.
BURZUM „Filosofem”
Burzum is a unique band. Musically they differ from every other black metal band and most of you know what happened in Norway back in 1991 and made their name known.
GRAVE DIGGER „Tunes of War”
If I remember well Grave Digger is the first metal band I disliked. I had bought this album back in 1997 and I remember I was very confused and up till now I have the same problem.
HOMOIRATUS „Apocalypse”
Homo Iratus are back with their second full length album after the release of Knowledge
Their Enemy EP. I am not the greatest death metal fan and especially of the style that Homo Iratus follow but I can say that I listened to this album with pleasure in contradiction with their debut album that was too much for me.
Lacrimas Profundere is one of my favorite bands and even many people blame them of copying Anathema I still believe that their sound is very original and if you have listened to only one of their songs it will be easy to recognize the style of the band. Their previous release Fall, I Will Follow was a very good one and as I had written in its review it was the only album they could release after Burning: A Wish.
Neverland is a new heavy metal band coming from Switzerland and despite the fact that this country is not considered to have many heavy metal bands the ones that do exist are very good! This is their first demo release and it is easy for the listener to get in the mood of the band. Melodic heavy metal with many keyboards and well-played solos is the path that Neverland have chosen to follow and that path is very close to those of Royal Hunt and Y.