DEADSOIL „The Vemon Divine”
Hot on the heels of the recent head-caving affair from the UKs Burning Skies comes the debut full length from Germanys Deadsoil. I know Ive mentioned it before, but Deadsoil are another high quality example of the current roster of the Lifeforce Records label.
From DEMOLITION newsletter
After a successful european tour with TESTAMENT the guys in DEMOLITION have more of good news coming up this month. Some more live gigs have been confirmed as well as…
BURNING SKIES „Murder by Means of Existence”
With the defection of Cataract and Heaven Shall Burn to Metal Blade and Century Media respectively, Germanys Lifeforce label has been quick to shore up some decent replacements. Lifeforce are one of Europes leading Metal-core labels and have been the frontrunners in finding and signing new acts to their roster.
Whats that I hear? Sold Out you say? Man, has this disc caused some major hype over the past month. Yet, its really not all that surprising – in light of the bands fearsome reputation and their almost genre defining debut of five years ago (Calculating Infinity), such a response from fans and the critics alike was always to be expected.
SEAR BLISS „Glory & Perdition”
It hasnt been a big year for Black Metal. Thats what I think anyway.
GOTHIC KNIGHTS „Up From The Ashes – Digipack limited edition”
Here it is: The latest Gothic Knights CD is rotating in my player. Immediately in the beginning a Bon Jovi riff, hm…, waiting for the rest.
CHILDREN OF BODOM „Follow The Reaper”
Stand Out Songs: Every time I die, Northern comfort, Taste of my scythe….it is all a matter of personal opinion
GRZEGORZ KUPCZYK – Wywiad z Grzegorzem
Muzyka TURBO i CETI towarzyszyła mi od samego początku mojej metalowej drogi. W sumie to już trochę ponad 15 lat! Takie legendarne materiały jak „Dorosłe Dzieci”, „Smak Ciszy”, „Ostatni Wojownik”, czy „Lamiastrata” do dzisiaj robią na mnie totalne wrażenie i wciąż słucham ich z zapartym tchem (jak to się mówi, hahaha). A przecież to zaledwie namiastka całej twórczości obu wspaniałych kapel, w których właśnie na czele stoi GRZEGORZ KUPCZYK – guru polskiego heavy metalu (obok Romka Kostrzewskiego i Marka Piekarczyka), który okazał się bardzo fajnym facetem (bez pozerstwa, wywyższania się czy olewającego stosunku)!!!