Month: June 2005

HOPE, JENNIFER „“Reflections of an Enchanted Soul””

Alluring such captivating imagery into a musical prowess of spiritual heights awakening new levels of emotional discovery can be heard through Jennifer Hope’s Reflections of an Enchanted Soul. Upon observation I had a chance to glimpse into this realm of reflection as lyrics shed light into feelings of dreamy soundscapes with vocals revealing hidden emotions that are heard.

SLAYER „Still Reigning – DVD”

What can be said about SLAYER that has not already been said? I reviewed the last DVD release for this band and gave it high marks as I am going to do with this one. This performance here was the firs time that the band had ever performed the REIGN IN BLOOD disc track for track as they appear on the CD as well as six bonus tracks from the same show.

SERPENTIA „Dark Fields of Pain”

The long anticipated follow-up to their 2000 debut MCD “…and the Angels descended to Earth” from this renowned Polish extreme metal act who derive their moniker the ancient symbol of a serpent, eating its own tail. “Serpentia” are one of the few bands I have heard successfully combine the ferocity of black and deathmetal with the ambience of European Goth and even a twist of folk without losing the raw intensity along the way .

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