Music: Punk/Hardcore/Rock n Roll
Duration: 29.11 (10 songs)
Cool songs: Bright Lights For Demise, Like it never Was, Too Far Down, This is it.
If youve got a spare 29 minutes at hand, then youll do a whole lot worse than dedicating it to Boston quintet Bars. Not expecting anything mind blowing when I first slapped this disc down on the old death deck, I was immediately confronted with something more than I bargained for. Introducing is one of those surprise releases of the year, the kind of album that could quite easily slip through the cracks in a blink. However, if you are any sort of old school punkish hardcore/rock n roll fan who loves a band who can write a catchy tune whilst maintaining a healthy dose of aggression and energy, then Bars are your new best friend.
Signed to Equal Vision, there is undoubted appeal to the hardcore crowd in this band. Yet despite the members HC backgrounds (Bars features members of Give up the Ghost, The Hope Conspiracy and Ten Yard Fight), Introducing is heavily steeped in a more stripped down, snotty punk, pissed off rock n roll ethic than anything else. There are no trendy breakdowns on this one folks – think Sick Of it All, Madball and Snapcase meets Entombed. Like most killer rock albums, Introducing does its best work by getting in and rocking out in ultra quick time. With ten songs in half an hour, Bars do just enough to pummel the senses, but with leave you with ample juice flowing through the veins to immediately hit the repeat button one more time.
Musically, these guys keep everything extremely tight; the riffs are simple, but sharp, raw and punchy throughout whilst maintaining a real authentic edgy hook and catchiness. The production is crisp and loud with the bands obvious live in the studio attitude and energy shining through. To top it off, check the caustic vocal lines of Kevin Barker (The Hope Conspiracy) who gives this disc some much welcomed vigor. However, if youre not a hardcore fan, then Kevins vocals are probably the only negative youll find with what Bars accomplish on Introducing
Aside from a fantastic spaghetti western/blues style moment at track nine, the rest of this disc rocks with the needle in the red. With a simple, straight up rock n roll swagger, killer energy and attitude, Bars have constructed one of the more surprising releases of the year. It certainly grabbed my attention with its smart song writing and overall catchiness. Well worth investigating. The Bars ROCK!!!
Walls Rating: 8/10
note: 8.5/10
1. Bright Lights For Demise
2. Like it Never Was
3. You Are My Target Audience
4. Up To My Neck
5. Toecutter
6. The Frequencies Are Fucked
7. Type Face Love Letter
8. I Was Asleep By Now 9. Too Far Down 10. This Is It