NILE „Annihilation of the wicked”

NILE „Annihilation of the wicked” - okładka
Music: Death metal
Duration: 50 minut (10 tracks)

Good Tracks: Annihilation of the wicked, Lashed to the slave stick, Von inaussprechlichen kulten

I was waiting for this album vary long, and had many hopes connected with it. The previous release – In their darkened shrines, was completely amazing and destroying. In addition, I expected that the new one will be also brilliant. And it is.

Once more Nile created incredible music, but in little different way. Karl was predicting that Annihilation will be fill with extremely brutal and quite short songs. It’s true, but not always :). We have here 2 instrumental and 8 classic cuts. Guitars are as always very dense, and create amazing textures. The solo parts are getting threw your skull right into brain (listen the one in Cast down the heretic!). Tempos are changing often, blasts and fast parts are mixed with monumental, heavy slow dawns. Vocals are brutal, and really well arranged, just like in last one track – Von inaussprechlichen kulten. While listening it, I’m just wandering, how the hell human can emit those types of sounds. They are not only screams and growls, it is truly sick.

My only disappoint are (sadly) drums. As we all know there’s no longer Tony Laureano. In my opinion, he put into Nile music some great magic. The way he was playing is completely unique and amazing. Don’t get me wrong – Kollias is great drummer, fast, straight, and even with great imagination, but his playing doesn’t have this strange something.

And one more important thing. Nile is well know from that, the music they are creating is vary unique and climatic. New album is still unique, but less climatic. The band didn’t change the style, but the way they are playing. Lets say that, the people who like pure carnage will love this album :).

And as you can see, the new album is quite long. Karl was lying about those short songs :). There are 3, nine minutes long songs. But in the end, for me, the album is still not too long, it’s just perfect.

I can surely recommend this album to all fans of death metal. Once again Nile has proved that, they are outstanding and best in their league.

note: 8.0/10


01. Dusk falls upon the temple of the serpent on the mount of sunrise
02. Cast down the heretic
03. Sacrifice unto sebek
04. User-Maat-Re
05. The burning pits of the duat
06. Chapter of obeisance before giving breath to the inert one in the presence of the cresent shaped horns
07. Lashed to the slave stick
08. Spawn of uamenti
09. Annihilation of the wicked
10. Von inaussprechlichen kulten


Karl Sanders
Dallas Toler-Wade
George Kollias
Jon Vesano

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