dbRecordings is a recording studio specialized for heavy metal, and was built and designed with only one idea in mind: to produce metal at its best. Db Team is working constantly not only to satisfy new production standards, but to create them.
DbRecordings is known of:
– mixing,
– mastering,
– f.o.h. mixing,
– studio rental,
– engineering services,
– live shows recordings.
Crew of DbRecs is:
Dali Sternisa, producer, sound engineer, guitarist,
Tina Zijan – manager,
Blaz Soklic – sound engineer, drummer.
Valors of this studio decided for chosing this one by: The Day, Fetisha, Dusk Delight, Siddharta, Expulsion, Bishop of Hexen, Ksiht, Curse of Instinct, Faltann, Indigo Child, Lara Baruca, Separatus, Sfiltrom, Brutart, C.R.A.S.H., Aperion…
dBRecordings studio is now renewed and opened for business. Until the end of the year 2005 they are offering a special promotional prices.
Hear (collection of recordings) and see their work here: www.dbrecordings.com
Address: Grajska Cesta 47, 4260 Bled, Slovenia
tel no. +386 31 796 666
e-mail: management@dbrecordings.com
skype: dbrecordings