OPETH „“Ghost Reveries””

OPETH „“Ghost Reveries”” - okładka
Music – Melodic Death Metal
Website – www.opeth.com
Duration – Roughly 1hr 06 mins (8 Tracks)

Standout Tracks – Ghost Of Perdition – Reverie/Harlequin Forest – Isolation years

Opeth, formerly Eruption, has never been a name mentioned lightly, and without praise, in the circles of metal fans worldwide. Transforming the face of death metal with albums such as Orchid (1995 – the first of a legendary collection) it is quite safe to say that they are still up to old tricks, old pastimes and, more importantly, old sky-fucking high standards with new album “Ghost Reveries.”

However, this is anything but same-old.

Along with new album came new face, Per Wiberg on keyboards, who had played with the band on tours such as Deliverance and Damnation in 2003, but joined officially as part of the group earlier this year.

So what can one say about “Ghost Reveries?” Quite a bit as expected.

As the first notes from “Ghost Of Perdition” ring out, the assumption made is that this is a changed “Opeth.” So captivating, so lulling are these chords, that one almost gets swept away…However, before any transition to this other place can be made, in a mater of seconds an immense surge of Peter Lindgren-esque powerful riffs and Martin Mendez bass take over, and any previous suppositions are swept, spectacularly out of the nearest window and replaced with a sudden urgent desire to jump about like animals and roar at the top of our lungs. This is no changed band. Opeth are back with a vengeance, and ready to bring us down in a pit of our own flames. Hell yes. Broken 2 and a half minutes in by a sudden change in rhythm, to an acoustic lull and an epic serenade by vocalist Mikael Ĺkerfeldt, then propelled outstandingly back into a swirling mass of chanting lyrics and sky-high guitar, one is faced with the full-frontal savage of a band that will go down in legends.

Similarly, Mikael Ĺkerfeldt’s growling roar continues through into “The Baying Of The Hounds.” A thundering chorus of rhythmic dampening and contagious lyrics define this track as a solid gig-piece, designed to provoke a rise in adrenaline. Every fibre becomes alive. Unquestionably a vital track.

In like manner, the presence of carnival sounds during the intro “Beneath The Mire,” and the noticeable echo of the key progressions in the harmonic section of “Ghost of Perdition.” A drummers dream, one has to raise a fist in honour of Martin Lopez, his throbbing tracks produce a determined, invincible feel in both the listener and the band.

A defining point of “Atonement” is the intro, in which a flowing trebled chord progression, serenaded by an addictive drum fill heralds a seraphic verse of short, well chosen lyrics. The line:

“Suddenly, I'm no longer aching”

Is particularly applicable to this track, which almost portrays a soothing, healing quality (particularly to the previously bruised and bleeding eardrums.)

Followed up by a personal favourite, “Reverie/Harlequin.” A combination of “Atonement” and “Ghost Of Perdition,” a special blend of Ĺkerfeldt’s versatile vocals in a harmonic collaboration with churning, guitar riffs. Naturally, his throaty growl returns to provoke the familiar urge to air guitar and break a lung. In similar manner, the acoustics also make a comeback, providing a break from the heavy surge of power to allow room for a harmonious progression of clever licks, and spine-tingling harmonics.

The two predominantly melodious tracks of the album “Hours Of Wealth” (an exquisite serenade by Ĺkerfeldt, intensely personal sounding and heartbreaking signification of energy produced by sorrow) and “Isolation Years” (a desperate presentation of Ĺkerfeldt’s musical capabilities in the form of a striking track of broken love,) are separated by “The Great Conjuration” – the single released from the album. With a bass line that stands out high above the other tracks and an interesting mix of screeching ring-out guitar, this is an important contribution to “Ghost Reveries.” The throaty roar also stands out particularly well on this track, perhaps due to the absence of distortion over-load. Either way it is a complimentary track.

In sum, “Ghost Reveries” is both no surprise, and a punch in the face to Opeth fans and new beginners alike. An epic album, no less than a vital piece in any death metal collection, I would recommend it hands down. Being an Opeth fan myself, is see it as an immense progression from the other albums, opening up a new an interesting melodic doorway for the Swedish Lords of the dark.

However, the real decision is up to you.

Use it well.


note: 10/10


01. Ghost Of Perdition
02. The Baying Of The Hounds
03. Beneath The Mire
04. Atonement
05. Reverie/Harlequin Forest
06. Hours Of Wealth
07. The Grand Conjuration
08. Isolation Years

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