MIRRORTHRONE album CARRIERS OF DUST available for download

MP3 excerpt from the next MIRRORTHRONE album CARRIERS OF DUST is now available on the website. You can download it directly in clicking this link:

You can also preview the album cover there:

And finally, Mirrorthrone has an official Myspace page. Add it to your friendlist:

The official release date will follow soon.

The founder and owner of Metal Centre Mailorder & Webzine, with a deep passion for various music genres, including Thrash, Heavy, Power, Death, and Black Metal. With a strong connection to the global metal community, he is dedicated to sharing his love for these styles of music through both his mailorder service and webzine. Currently residing in Downers Grove, IL, USA, he previously lived in Rzeszów, Poland, where his journey into the world of metal began.

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