Year: 2005


ABANDON – In Reality We Suffer
V/A – KISS Cover to Cover
WALDCHENGARTEN – Electrical Bonding
DARK TRANQUILITY – Enter Suicidal Angels

CEREBRAL NOIZE – Interview with Cale Burr

Already after firstly listening of CEREBRAL NOIZE intensely broke in my psyche. I have never heard so richly arranged of hard core in my life. Obviously I mean the old school h/c in style of M.O.D., LAWNMOWER DETH or D.R.I. that is the connection the punk rock with the metal and I don't mean about some the present hard core (the connection of rap with metal). CEREBRAL NOIZE shew in what side hard core should evolve, but unfortunately majority present hard core bands took different way. Anyway at present for me CEREBRAL NOIZE is number one in present h/c!!!

CEREBRAL NOIZE – Wywiad z Cale

CEREBRAL NOIZE już po pierwszym przesłuchaniu intensywnie wdarł się w moją psychikę. Tak bogato zaaranżowanego hard core'a w życiu nie słyszałem. Oczywiście mam na myśli old school'owego hc w stylu M.O.D., LAWNMOWER DETH, czy D.R.I. czyli połączenie punk rocka z metalem a nie jakiś tam współczesny hard core (czyli rap z metalem). CEREBRAL NOIZE pokazał w jaką stronę powinien ewoluować hard core, ale niestety większość obecnych hard core'owych kapel obrała inną drogę. Zresztą co za różnica, obecnie dla mnie to CEREBRAL NOIZE jest numerem jeden we współczesnym hc!!!

SAY BOK GWAI – Interview with Alex and Andre

SAY BOK GWAI is very atypical team … Atypical, because the music is realize by two – persons, which ones play Canto-core. Probably it's only on world the connection of hard music with lyrics in Chinese language. Maybe somewhere in China there are similar bands but at present SAI BOK GWAI is unique in own kind band from the USA. I think that lovers of old school hardcore (what was on the 80/90's) should acquaint with proposal of SAY BOK GWAI.

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