Music: Black Metal
Country: U.S.A.
Web site:
Cool Songs: None
When it comes to black metal, the inventors of the modern Black Metal sound, the Scandinavians, often overshadow the U.S. Over the last few years, though, Black Metal has become such a worldwide phenomenon that a large outcropping of bands has sprung up in the United States. Bands like XASTHUR, SUMMON, THORNSPAWN, NOCTUARY, and JUDAS ISCARIOT are every bit as lethal as the Norwegians or the Swedes. However, like the Death Metal explosion of the early 90s, the USBM scene has become littered with poor imitators and generally crappy bands.
New Yorks PERPETUAL SUFFERING is a band that exemplify the over abundance of USBM bands. The music they create does have a sense of uniqueness, looking to Death, Black, and Doom metal for inspiration. The riffs are heavy and memorable. Also, the group samples wicked horror film quotes. Those above-mentioned attributes are not enough to save their self-titled effort, though. The recording sounds like it was recorded by a young, poor local band and the drum sound oh, that painfully awful drum sound. I keep envisioning a tired, old man throwing rocks at a bucket. A drummer who lacks the speed necessary to play this type of extreme music supports the horrific drum sound. This poor drum sound gets more and more annoying after a couple of songs, making it an uphill battle to take in all eleven tracks.
After releasing such a turd of an album, PERPETUAL SUFFERING did the only sensible thing, quit.
note: 3/10
. Taken Under The Wings of Dismay
2. Homicidal Confirmation
3. Afterperception
4. The Shroud Has Fallen
5. Servant to None
6. On the Brink of Eternity
7. Unleash Supremacy
8. Unseen Reflection
9. Imprefect Resurrection
10. Revenge is Sacred
11. Slaughter Neutrality
Total Playing time: 51:02
Joseph Rega – Vocals
Greg Hellman – Guitar
Mike Joesph – Bass
Jeremy Nissenbaum – Drums