ENTWINE „Dieversity”

ENTWINE „Dieversity” - okładka

When I signed up to do this review I had only heard bits and pieces about the band ENTWINE. Since receiving this disc and checking out numerous websites about this band, ENTWINE is more or less a progressive gothic band with a definite sense for catchy riffs and defined songwriting. With “Dieversity”, ENTWINE has obvioously pushed for more mainstream appeal (especially on the first half of the album) as there are numerous nu-metal references on this disc. However, the latter half of “Dieversity” definitely satisfies the progressive and gothic metal crowds and proves that ENTWINE's roots are firmly planted in the metal scene.

Although tracks such as “Bitter Sweet” and “Someone to Blame” obviously show ENTWINE is looking for more commercial viability, the latter half of the tracks lean toward another popular band of this genre, LACUNA COIL. However, due to the fact that LACUNA COIL's “Comalies” and “Karmacode” were released in the years following this disc, perhaps it was LACUNA COIL that was being influenced. Nevertheless, the two songs above could easily be played on radio stations across the United States whereas tracks such as “Refill My Soul” and “Lost Within” cater to their underground metal following. Which leaves me in quite a predicament: Why would a band shift toward the mainstream on some tracks and overly “metal” in others? Unfortunately, that question ran through my head throughout this entire listen and afterward I still can't piece together my feeling on the album in question.

I enjoyed the mainstream tracks “Bittersweet” and “Someone to blame, but I had a hard time with the “gothic” tracks on the latter half of the album. I even question whether this album could be entirely considered metal because of these facts. Although the more mainstream material is catchy and kept my attention for the most part, I still feel as though there is too much going on with “Dieversity”. At times, it's a great listen, but I must say that the listener will be dumbfounded regardless the metal style that fits you with some of the tracks. Overall ENTWINE's “Dieversity” left me more with a lackluster “eh”. I recommend getting a few mp3's before purchase.

note: 3.5/10


Bitter Sweet
Someone To Blame
Bleeding For The Cure
Still Remains
Frozen By The Sun
Six Feet Down Below
Refill My Soul
Everything For You
Nothing's Forever
Lost Within


Mika Tauriainen – Vocals
Tom Mikkola – Guitar
Jaani – Guitar
Aksu Hanttu – Drums
Jani Miettinen – Bass
Riitta Heikkonen – Keyboards

The founder and owner of Metal Centre Mailorder & Webzine, with a deep passion for various music genres, including Thrash, Heavy, Power, Death, and Black Metal. With a strong connection to the global metal community, he is dedicated to sharing his love for these styles of music through both his mailorder service and webzine. Currently residing in Downers Grove, IL, USA, he previously lived in Rzeszów, Poland, where his journey into the world of metal began.
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