One day, while searching through countless bulletins on MySpace, I came across a band called Synastry. According to their MySpace page and bulletin they had 'new everything', so I decided to check them out. After listening to the three tracks that were available a few times, I left them a message and a request to interview them. Luckily, Jimmy was up for answering my questions…
Jimmy, thank you for agreeing to this interview! Please could you tell us a little bit about how the band got together?
Kegham, Garen and I were in another together before starting SYNASTRY. When that band didn't work out, we recruited Pavel on guitar and SYNASTRY's line up was solidified.
Where did the name Synastry come from?
The name SYNASTRY comes from the astrological art form of using 2 peoples composite charts to determine their possible relationship. Kegham and Garen came up with the name.
How would you describe the music that you create?
I would sy our music is an aggressive, multi layered attack on the senses. The kind of listenable chaos that we hope will help introduce people to heavy bands.
When I saw that you had Industrial elements in your music, I must admit that I was a little bit dubious as I usually like my metal to be… well, 100% Metal. I'm pleased to say that the Industrial touches you've included work really well. Who would you say were your biggest influences?
Thank you. We always strive for balance when writing our songs, wheteher it be the industrial touches or any other part. Moderation is the key. Our main influences range through quite a bit of artists..from In Flames, Arch enemy, Mnemic, Fear Factory, Gojira and Meshuggah. We love all kinds of metal and do not limit our inspiration from any source.
Which is your favourite track out of the songs you have on MySpace?
My personal favourite is 'Pallets Of My New World'
I've noticed on your website that you will soon be releasing an album called “Blind Eyes Bleed”. When will it be released and where did the title come from?
The albums release date is yet to be confirmed. We will start shopping the album to labels in June, and depending on how that goes, we will act accordingly. The name 'BLIND EYES BLEED' is my creation, as I wrote all the lyrics, which focus mostly on the concepts of ignorance, self realisation and inter personal relationships, 'BLIND EYES BLEED' stands for people who are ignorant of their world not realising their foibles and making themselves suffer.
Are you signed to a label?
Not currently. We will be looking for one in the summer, however.
Do you have any merchandise available?
Yes, we will be posting up our T shirt design on mypsace and our real website ( very soon, and will have hopefully 2 t shirt designs.
Have you got any gigs planned in the near future? Would you ever consider coming over to England for a few shows?
We always have gigs planned. We have to keep busy or we stop being relevant in the scene. We have a weeks tour planed in July with our friends in Derelict. Besides that we have many one-off shows and a few festivals lined up. All in all we are striving for 20 or so shows from now until Septembers end. And we would love to come to England and play as much as possible. Hopefully someone would be willing to help us come over there…:)
Which bands would you most like to tour with?
Wow! Hhehehe..In Flames, Meshuggah, Mnemic…The Agonist, 3 Mile Scream, Derelict and Mythosis
Which bands have you performed with so far?
We have played with many bands, but the few signed bands we have opened for are The Agonist (Century Media) 3 Mile Scream (Corporate Punishment) Camilla Rhodes (Galy Records), Reanimator (Galy Records) and Talamyus(Prodisk Records)
Would you ever play at any of the European Festivals?
We would play at any and all of the European Festivals, without question!
If someone was to invent a 'Synastry Cocktail', what would be in it?
Hmmm… We're not big drinkers, but knowing our varying taste with alcohol between the 4 of us, it would probably taste like crap and knock you out after one sip!
Were you in any bands before Synastry? Do you have any side-projects at the moment?
I was in a few bands before SYNASTRY, but none were as busy as SYNASTRY is. Also, because we are working so hard with SYNASTRY, none of us have time for side projects. Maybe one day I'll create the Jazz Fusion Death Polka Rap band I keep dreaming about.
What's next for Synastry?
SHOWS!!! and more shows…More merchandise being made soon,as well as shopping the album to labels. Besides that, in a nutshell, we will try to be as everywhere as possible.
Please feel free to let us know about any links to your websites/myspace sites that you have!
For sure!!! theres also our website which will get a huge overhaul soon. And for everyone on myspace, we sincerely hope you check out ALL the bands and people in our top friends list. They wouldnt be there if they weren't our 'TOP FRIENDS' now would they 😉
Thank you so much for answering the questions and I look forward to hearing more Synastry stuff in the not-too-distant future!
Thanks for the opportunity LOU!!