The Bombs Of Enduirng Freedom will be releasing the debut self-titled album on October the 12th 2007, exclusively from the band's website ;
The music is described as “ of a industrial & ambient metal/rock nature with a penchant in relaying current world & political affairs as portrayed in the ever-present media. An under-ground music scene's answer to CNN…”.
'The Bombs…' mainman is James Fogarty, who ended his 'Ewigkeit' project after the last 2 albums were released on Earache records ('Radio Ixtlan' and 'Conspiritus'). After burning all his previous record contracts and systematically reclaiming all his previous material, he launched the new project 'The Bombs Of Enduirng Freedom'.
A short video advert with clips of the forthcoming albums content can be viewed here ;
The album will come as “strictly limited edition”, limited to 665 slightly less evil copies and comes with a warning “not for patriotic red-necks”, due to it's extensive criticism of the Bush administration, the 'war on terror' and american foreign policy in general.