Better strap your bullet belts back on; a new era of combat thrash is cocked, locked, and aimed for your skull. Adding to the diversity on CM's roster comes a band that will have old school thrashers slitting throats with their spike bands again and new listeners developing a weird urge to start wearing denim vests. Century Media brings you Warbringer! While they were still pooping in their diapers when Slayer and Metallica were pulverizing the scene, the fresh drive of their energetic sound makes it seem like they were head banging since they were just learning to swim in their dads' nut sac. They're finishing up their debut album and then will be bringing war to the masses on a tour with a frontline featuring Exodus, Arsis, and Goatwhore. Check out their war field below.
Better strap your bullet belts back on; a new era of combat thrash is cocked, locked, and aimed for your skull. Adding to the diversity on CM's roster comes a band that will have old school thrashers slitting throats with their spike bands again and new listeners developing a weird urge to start wearing denim vests. Century Media brings you Warbringer! While they were still pooping in their diapers when Slayer and Metallica were pulverizing the scene, the fresh drive of their energetic sound makes it seem like they were head banging since they were just learning to swim in their dads' nut sac. They're finishing up their debut album and then will be bringing war to the masses on a tour with a frontline featuring Exodus, Arsis, and Goatwhore. Check out their war field below.