Music: Thrash Metal/Punk
Country: Sweden
Cool songs: Down, Daily Bread
To learn or even know anything about this band is compared to miracle. Being so wise and magnificent I visited their website. To my surprise I found there
nothing. Even the information about this demo album is mistaken. Unfortunately, they play in the same way as they manage their page.
This demo starts quite cool with a classic four beat kick, but later on the concept is lost and the band starts to flounder in their own sauce. Whereas Down is quite good and can be listened to with some more or less perverted pleasure, the rest represents much more lover level, of an underground punk rock band. Good impression is simply swept by standard and extremely boring punk sound.
The lyrics of A.M.W.O.T. are the best words to describe this album: waste of time . whereas the CD really gives hope for some further listening, the music simply crushes it.
note: 3/10
1. Down
2. Freakshow
3. A.M.W.O.T.
4. Daily Bread
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