Music: Old School Black Metal/Brown Metal
Country: U.S.A.
Cool songs: The Cobalt Throne
The band was formed in 1988 and since that time, there was no actual activity. Their leaflet says, that Necrocolon was in prison for stealing a truck and that one of their members committed suicide. I really do not know if it is the truth or not, I do not care, just as they, by giving me such crap.
Some wise guy said once, that we should stick to our dreams and do everything to let them come true. In case of this group I would not be so sure about that. This short demo contains material, which obviously seems to be a joke. The music is totally incomprehensible (apart from Corpulence, Carpulence, Intestine, which happens to be a loose variation of PINK FLOYD Another Brick in the Wall Part II and Hem Royd – the same origin: Good Bye Blue Sky) and dull. The sound is extremely hideous, the guitars sound like mixers and the vocalist tries to blow the speakers, like a candle flame.
I would treat this album as a hoax, a stupid joke anything similar. But that profanation of the legendary FLOYDS was the last straw. Such things should be banned. The musicians probably thought that they did something extremely funny. Well an empty laughter is everything that they will hear.
note: 0/10
1. The Cobalt Throne
2. Equine Torture
3. Corpulence, Carpulence, Intestine
4. Hem Royd
5. Butt-Hurt
Total playing time 27:21
Necrocolon – vocals
Dekrapitator – guitars, bass
Emperor Encopresis – drums