GAMA BOMB Issues Final Studio Report on “Citizen Brain”
Manic Irish thrash masters Gama Bomb have completed the recording of their debut album 'Citizen Brain' in Grindstone Studios in Suffolk with producer Scott Atkins.
Singer Philly issued this final report…
Lauren Boquette of SIX Discusses New Album
SiX frontman Lauren Boquette, formerly of alt-metal act DROWN and Famous who opened the Tattoo The Earth Festival for Slayer and Slipknot, has discussed his group's recently released third album,…
DAATH Welcomes New Vocalist Sean Z.
(New York, NY): Georgia-based, forward-thinking metal band DAATH, who spent the summer of 2007 kicking up dirt on Ozzfests side stage, have completed their search for a new vocalist. Daath…
DOOMSDAY Website Launch- Restricted Content Now Available!
MANKIND HAS AN EXPIRATION DATE…The 'DOOMSDAY' website has fully launched and is loaded with new R- Rated clips, 3D games and much more! To get to the all-new RESTRICTED content…
HATE na Hard Rock Laager Fest w Estonii
Zespół potwierdził swoją obecność na kolejnym (piątym) festiwalu europejskim, który odbędzie się w tym roku. Tym razem Warszawiacy zostali zaproszeni do Estonii na Hard Rock Laager Fest, który ma się…
Reedycje płyt ENDSTILLE
28 kwietnia nakładem Regain Records mają się ukazać reedycje wszystkich czterech płyt Niemców wydanych przed “Endstilles Reich”:
“Operation Wintersturm” (2002)
“Frühlingserwachen” (2003)
“Dominanz” (2004)
“Navigator” (2005)
Wszystkie będą dostępne w formie digi-packu. …
DEICIDE Preferred Audio Weapon of U.S. Military
Gathered from evidence obtained through various reports, leaked interrogation logs and the accounts of soldiers and detainees, a list of the top 24 songs strategically used on military prisoners in…
“After short, month break we already can present you tentative plans for 2008. In the beginnig of April Crionics will play about 10 concerts in Russia as headliner. It will…