Have your arty heavy metal brains at the ready – fast-rising UK thrashers EVILE want YOU to design the band's next t-shirt!
EVILE have to decided to open a competition to give fans the chance to design one of the new t-shirts to be sold on the next EVILE tour. All you need to do is create a design for the front of the shirt. The design can be something EVILE-related, or just anything that you think would look good on an EVILE shirt – it's entirely up to you!
The winner will receive a signed ENTER THE GRAVE double-LP album, two EVILE wristbands and a t-shirt with the winning design on it.
For rules and details on how to enter the competition, head to blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=21386078&blogID=390745499