OCEANO Braves Mother Nature While on Tour

OCEANO, the heaviest, most pissed off deathcore band on the planet is currently playing a string of dates in Florida where an already dangerous Tropical Storm Fay is picking up steam with expectations of it becoming a full-blown hurricane by Tuesday.

The band is right in the thick of things, having already played Tampa and Orlando. Tonight, they will be in Pensacola, FL and hope to escape the looming hurricane before things turn potentially deadly.

Guitarist, Andrew Mikhail gave us a quick weather report, noting the look of things from OCEANO's van. “It's just dark skies – muggy and raining.” “We've been tryin' to dodge this storm since we got here 2 or 3 days ago.” So far, the band has been successfully able to avoid traveling through the nasty conditions that the tropical storm has brought thus far, but being in the thick of even worse conditions haven't stopped them before. “We've been through tornadoes. We've even gone through really foggy mountains at night where we couldn't see shit.” Miraculously, the band's always made it through these rough conditions unharmed, intact and ready to blow off their anger on stage. “The show must go on, y'know?” says the OCEANO guitarist. “We've drove through em all – just the risk of the road. It's a sense of us vs. Mother Nature.”

No matter how angry Mother Nature can be, OCEANO will ALWAYS be angrier and carry much more force than a hurricane ever could, especially on stage. Catch them at these dates (check the Tour Dates section).

Click on the following links to view the OCEANO promo pictures that were deemed “too violent” and BANNED by MySpace:


View some of the photos from the shoot that weren't BANNED by MySpace while listening to OCEANO'S soundtrack of absolute aggression at http://www.myspace.com/xoceano

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