DISEASE ILLUSION „Reality Behind The Illusions Of Life ”
Thats the kind of material I like. Fast, adequate, melodic, compact and really well composed.
SÉANCE „Awakening of the Gods”
SÉANCE made a grand entrance into the death metal world, releasing Forever Laid to Rest (1992) and Saltrubbed Eyes (1993) through Black Mark Production, but disbanded in 1993 due to several setbacks. Now SEANACE has reunited and joined forces with Pulverised Records to release their first album in sixteen yearsAwakening of the Gods.
COALESCE “albumOX” details, announces first Euro tour
COALESCE have completed work on their new full-length albumOX, the band's first in 10 years and follow-up to 1999's herald 0:12 Revolution In Just Listening. OX was recorded with engineer…
HATCHET seeks bassist and vocalist
Metal Blade thrash artist, HATCHET made the following announcement via their Myspace blog:
“As of now we are actively seeking a new permanent vocalist and or bass player to re-complete our…
THE BERZERKER signs deal with Riot! Entertainment
Australia's THE BERZERKER has inked an exlusive distribution deal with Riot! Entertainment to release “The Reawakening”, previously only available via the band's web site.
THE BERZERKER's fifth album, was originally released…
BRUTAL TRUTH announces tour dates, previews second track from “Sugar Daddy”
BRUTAL TRUTH has posted a second preview track, “Sugar Daddy”, from their forthcoming full-length Evolution Through Revolution. “Sugar Daddy” can be heard online now via the band's MySpace page: MySpace.com/BrutalFuckingTruth…
INEVITABLE END streams “The Severed Inception”
INEVITABLE END's brand new full-length album The Severed Inception is currently streaming in its entirety at this location: TheSeveredInception.com. The Severed Inception sees its North American release date on Tuesday,…
MUNICIPAL WASTE half-way through recording “Massive Aggressive”
MUNICIPAL WASTE, recently named one of 2009's up and coming bands by Billboard magazine, have reached the halfway point in recording their new album, titled MASSIVE AGGRESSIVE, tentatively scheduled for…