DORNENREICH announces European tour with AGALLOCH
Dornenreich's “Nachtreisen” tour to start on upcoming Friday
On March 20th Dornenreich will kick off for their first tour in Metal line-up since 2001. Besides numerous songs of their 13-year-history, Dornenreich…
WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM announces North American Headlining Tour
Acclaimed ethereal USBM unit WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM have just announced their upcoming North American tour this May, which they will be headlining. Joined by a host of other…
Geďst are setting sail for “Galeere”
Geďst are setting sail for “Galeere”
The release of German avantgarde black metal band Geďst's third album, “Galeere” (engl.: “galley”), is set for May 4th, 2009. After two albums highly lauded…
SUMMER SLAUGHTER 2009 lineup revealed
Bands and details for the Summer Slaughter 2009 tour have been leaked. The tour will be headlined by festival alumnus NECROPHAGIST with support from SUFFOCATION, DARKEST HOUR, DYING FETUS, ORIGIN,…
TESTAMENT announces U.S. tour, UNEARTH & LAZARUS A.D. to support
Bay Area thrash legends, Testament, are taking the stage once again for their first US headlining tour in support of the award-winning The Formation of Damnation. The band's first new…
Okładka nowego albumu GRIMLORD
Przedstawiamy okładkę drugiego albumu “Dolce Vita Sath-an as”! Poniżej wymienione są utwory które pojawią się na krążku. Projektem zajmuje się firma Trident Harmony. “Prowadzimy rozmowy odnośnie miksów i masteringu z…
Zespół THE THRON ponownie w natarciu
Na stronie zespołu THE THORN:
można wysłuchać trzech nowych numerów z nadchodzącej dużymi krokami nowej duzej płyty!!!! Zapraszamy do posłuchania
i komentowania!!!!
ELUVEITIE comments on Pagan Fest cancellation
Swiss folk band ELUVEITIE has issued the following statement regarding the cancellation of its participation in the “PaganFest America: Part II” tour, which is scheduled to kick off in late…