NEFANDUS „Death Holy Death”

NEFANDUS „Death Holy Death” - okładka
Music: Black Metal
Country: Sweden
Duration: 36:12 (8 songs)

Cool Songs: Behind the Red Lotus, Death Holy Death, Samaelic Madness Code, Theli – Opposer of life

80% of Black Metal musicians today are known to sprout out worthless and meaningless music over and over again with no room for innovation whatsoever regarding music, lyrical themes and ideologies.

The reason for this statement is that it certainly has been sometime since I got to feast my auditory senses with something which can be considered innovating-ly different than the rest of the mass produced products relating to the genre of the band whom I dedicate this review to. There's very little information to gain about this vehement, trigger-happy two piece band but nonetheless I shall start with an introduction of what I came to know after a few hours of research.

Nefandus are a Swedish Black Metal outfit which was formed by Belfagor back in 1993 with Ushatar who is responsible for Bass guitar duties for Nefandus, Sargatanas Reign and The Legion with Emil Dragutinovic (ex-Marduk).

Among Nefandus' discography are, the demo “Behold the Hordes” which was released in 1995 and “The Nightwinds Carried Our Names” in 1996. And after 13 years of silence, Nefandus returns with “Death, Holy Death”.

Although the album which consist of 8 tracks, doesn't leave much room for innovation, it certainly conjures interesting and surprising elements regarding lyrical content, music structures and presentation. “Samaelic Madness Code” is one such offering from “Death Holy Death” which is without a doubt one of my favorite tracks out of the whole album. Adding to the uniqueness of this album is the intro to the song which is something some might recognize as something you might encounter at a mosque and not forgetting the accompanying background chants during the first part or the mid-paced part of the song, whilst the tracks “Behind The Red Lotus” and the title track of the album should be noted here for its unique additions regarding the demented clean vocal lines added as background fillings to the screeches to enhance the atmosphere.

From the lyrical department, Nefandus also delves into themes such as Mesopotamian mythology and Jewish esotericism through tracks such as the only ambient orchestral oriented offering from “Death Holy Death”, “Ama Lilith Opening Her Womb” and “Theli-Opposer of Life”. Credit should be given where it is due regarding the lyrical section of this whole offering as Belfagor including Morgan Hĺkansson of Marduk and Daemon Deggial who contributed with lyrics for “Malach Ha-Maeth” and “Twofold Star Of Saturnalia Solistice” have managed to assemble gravelling thoughts and perplexing lines to the lyrical section of the album. One of my favorite lines being “Should I be judged by laws I did not create?”

Production-wise, “Death Holy Death” has been conjured under a more polished finish, nonetheless holding back the raw essence of the vocal and guitar work which contributes to the whole unholy, orthodox atmosphere Nefandus establishes.

My sincere regards to Satanic Propaganda Records for bringing Nefandus to my attention as It is without a doubt I state that Nefandus, after 13 years has made an recognizable impact with their comeback album “Death Holy Death”. Fucking amazing and excellent effort, certainly worth picking up!

“Yes, I know Him all too well… I am Him as He is I”

note: 8/10


1.Twofold Star of Saturnalia Solstice
2.Behind the Red Lotus
3.Death Holy Death
4.Alike God
5.Theli – Opposer of life
6.Ama Lilith Opening Her Womb
7.Samaelic Madness Code
8.Malach Ha-Maveth


Kristoffer “Ushatar” Andersson – Bass, Lyrics
Belfagor – Guitar, Bass, Drums

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