Female-fronted Portugese doom act, AVA INFERI will release their new album,”Blood of Bacchus” on May 25th.
Guitarist Rune (ex-MAYHEM) and vocalist Carmen explain the concep to “Blood of Bacchus”:
Rune: “The idea behind the album title can be seen as a parallel to the period it is written in, as it was born out of the circumstances of me leaving MAYHEM at the time. I believe that the music itself also bears some vibes seen in the light of this particular period, with a few doors closing yet multiple others opening. There are no doubts. I am grateful though, it all led to one of my greatest achievements, with a deep warmth in my heart and the freedom of just being… me. Be it the joy of life, the dance, the laughter, the wine, it's all here. This celebration, and the fact of being able to use all my senses in perceiving and feeling how great it all is, is what made “Blood of Bacchus” what it is. For good and bad…
“As we all know, in all things there is a downfall and a dark side. For every joy there is sadness, for every dance there is apathy, for every laughter there is an outburst of anger, and after the wine well… you get my point. I think all of these aspects, both the positive and the negative are bound and intertwined into the aura of this album altogether. And looking back, it was a long road but it was definitely all worth it. It made me even more confident and persistent that what im doing now is so very correct.
“All the sacrifices we made as a band, all the sweat and blood we have spilled and all the amounts of energy that we put into this album is truly bar to none. It's the most intense rehearsal and production period in my 16-17 years as an artist, no kidding. It's like every ounce of energy we had was forged into something audible on this album. That's how it feels anyway. It is quite a diverse package really, hosting 9 songs of different atmospheres and melancholy. Some heavier than thou, others more jazzy or fado like (see Portuguese folk), other simply straight through your heart Gothic-Doom, with an emphasis on the latter. There are things in here for most I'd say, but it's not like it's a potpurri, it's merely a band who know what they are doing, blending the finest of ingredients to obtain that otherwordly finish. Hmm, wondering if I'm not sounding too pompous or arrogant here…”
Lady of the house Carmen speaks: “For me this is my most personal experience so far. I was totally comfortable with the melodies of the songs from the beginning, even though I knew what Rune was doing at home, things sometimes take a different turn in the rehearsal room. But as soon as I heard the guys jamming on the songs I knew where this could take me, both as a personal challenge and also as a singer. My lyrics on this album are a continuation of what AVA INFERI presented since the beginning, and with the background of the two previous albums I feel like I have stepped forward and painted a fuller picture of my thoughts and emotions. It's all about fears, all about the pressure and the hard times we go through that I deal with. But at the same time it's like a renewing process for me, meaning letting it go. Therefore there is a light also in the lyrics.”
Rune: “In retrospective calm, I must thank all the individuals who where/are a part of this outlet as everyone put their thing, their share of energy into it. I am truly happy we are all dragging the rope in the same direction, as it would be very unwise to do anything else, wouldn't it? I could do a digression here (as I'm kinda enjoying a red at the moment) and promote this country's amazing wine while at it, which is and was an important part of us during our rehearsals and pre-production, but right now I feel it a bit too similar to the donkey and the carrot trick for the majority of you. Our own AVA INFERI wine will arise soon enough, so you'll get your share then, and quite possibly be even more in sync with our works. đ I'll keep you posted on that one.”
Here are the track list and artwork of “Blood of Bacchus”:
Last Sign of Summer
Colours of the Dark
Black Wings
Appeler les loups
Be Damned
Blood of Bacchus
AVA INFERI has released one track, “Colours of the Dark.” Follow the link to download this track:
http://www.season-of-mist.com/common/dow nloads/Ava_inferi/AVA%20INFERI%20-%20Col ours%20Of%20The%20Dark.mp3