DAÄTH SHADOW have announced that Osmose Productions has delayed the release of their forthcoming “Crowns For Kings” album – the band says expect it in January.
Tracks on “Crowns For Kings” include:
I. (untitled)
II. 'The Great Sabbath'
III. 'Servant Of Lucifer'
IV. 'Dominus Diabolus'
V. 'Crowns For Kings'
VI. 'Veni Omnipotens Aeterne Diabolus'
VII. 'Anthem Of Death'
VIII. 'Blood Of Qayn'
IX. 'For Hiim
X. 'Nicolstreet 1888'
XI. 'Through The Dark Waterfalls'
The tracks 'The Great Sabbath', 'Anthem Of Death', 'For Him' and 'Through The Dark Waterfalls' are now streaming at the band's MySpace page.