Month: December 2009

MARDUK – Interview with guitarist Morgan Hĺkansson

Few groups in the realm of black metal have made such an impact as MARDUK. Along with DISSECTION and DARK FUNERAL, MARDUK is an essential piece to the history of Swedish black metal. Beginning with the bluntly offensive demo “Fuck Me Jesus” in the early nineties, MARDUK has constantly pushed the boundaries of speed and offensive statements—both lyrically and through merchandise (see “Fuck Me Jesus” t-shirts).

For nearly two decades, MARDUK has stayed consistent with their music—keeping the same feeling of unclean barbarity—but always expanding the MARDUK sound. Part of this expansion obviously comes with the influence of new musicians. Although MARDUK has always been the satanic spawn of one Morgan “Evil” Steinmeyer Hĺkansson, the man who kept churning the wheels of hell that animate MARDUK, the group has gone through multiple lineup changes. This entrance of new blood and Hĺkansson's never-ending dark imagination has kept MARDUK’s music fresh and invigorating.

“Wormwood,” the band’s newest studio offering, is the third recording in the era of vocalist Mortuus. This album shows the band continuing the morbid lyrical stance that began with the “La Grande Danse Macabre” album, which found release near the end of Legion’s time with MARDUK. “Wormwood” also shows the band focus their efforts experimentally, which in turn encapsulate this macabre subject matter.

MARDUK’s current lineup includes Morgan Hĺkansson on guitar, Mortuus handling vocals, Devo Andersson playing bass and Lars Broddesson on drums. Morgan Hĺkansson took this lineup on the road for MARDUK’s first U.S. headlining tour, third overall. While stopping off for a show in Austin, Texas Metal Centre spoke with Hĺkansson about this tour, album and the current personnel.

PanzerFest 2010 – ostateczny skład

24 Kwietnia 2010 w warszawskim klubie Progresja, odbywa się PanzerFest. Będzie to już czwarta edycja festiwalu.

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