Dark Funereal has issued the following statement about canceling their appearance at the Metalgate Festival:
“Ave to all you Czech Dark Funeral fans out there! With deep regrets I have to inform you, that we have to cancel Dark Funerals appearance at the Metalgate Festival 2010.
“After the rip off with that Unholy Fest in 2009 that probably all of you know about, it's even more disappointing to be unable to give you the band you are looking for a festival show this summer. As well as the guys in Dark Funeral, I'm a man who means yes, if he says yes! Only this time I stumbled over my own feet – meaning, that I confirmed the Dark Funeral tourshow on April 4th at the Masters of Rock Café in Zlin as exclusive (!) show for Czech Republic! A few weeks after that I agreed with the Metalgate Festival on Dark Funerals appearance for 2010. In the meatime I had simply forgotten the other deal I made before…
“When the Metalgate billing was announced recently, I was reminded on our exclusive agreement by Pragokoncert, who are promoting the show in Zlin. So now I simply have no other chance than to stick to my first word. And that means, to take Dark Funeral off the bill of Metalgate 2010. I'm human. I make mistakes. Unfortunately!
“I'm already working together with the great guys in the Metalgate team to get another band as replacement for Dark Funeral. And apart from that, Dark Funeral are ready to play the Metalgate in 2011. This is something we will talk about, once a replacement band is found. This part has priority now! Please accept my apologies, and don't blame either Dark Funeral or the festival promoters, as they have nothing to do with this! I have to add, that band and promoter both reacted more than cool on this disastrous situation. Respect for that!
“So please come and see Dark Funeral in Zlin on April 4th and see them again, hopefully at the Metalgate in 2011. And by the way – and without doubt: German beer is not the best, Czech beer is by far much better! 🙂 Kick ass!”