Month: May 2010

COG „Culling”

Cog have been around for the better part of this decade and to their credit, the sextet easily rank among South East Asia’s most promising bands. Their sound the sum total of influences whose breadth spans several familiar genres, for this sophomore album titled “Culling” the band remain ever unpredictable and begin matters on an interesting note with the riveting opener “Dissolve.” Comparing Cog to any modern band would be difficult, so let’s just forget the references and dissect the songs here.

EXODUS „Exhibit B: The Human Condition”

Exodus have developed a taste for subtle intros as of late, thus explaining the soothing start to “The Ballad Of Leonard And Charles” that fires our anticipation before the brutal stuff commences. As the dueling guitar leads pave the way for the machinegun percussion, Exodus careen headlong into epic territory as Rob Dukes, Gary Holt, and the rest of the gang deliver ultraviolent thrash with all guns blazing.

TESTAMENT „The Formation Of Damnation”

Two years since they rejoined the scene, Testament hardly need an introduction anymore. What else can be said of the Bay Area fivesome? They belong to a hallowed pantheon whose current work has eclipsed even their past ‘classics.’ Such is the case with “The Formation Of Damnation,” a mammoth comeback where most of the original lineup have buried their past grievances to reinvigorate the band’s interrupted legacy.

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