MASTERPLAN „Time To Be King”

MASTERPLAN „Time To Be King” - okładka
Music: Power Metal
Country: Germany
Duration: 44:58 (10 Songs)

Cool Songs: “Far From the End of the World,” “Time To Be King,” “The Sun Is In Your Hands”

Jorn Lande. He of the puffy cheeks and walrus moustache. The singingest singer in the European Union. How many albums has this guy laid down vocals for? A lot, no doubt. Just this year alone—JUST THIS YEAR—aside from the present material “Time To Be King,” Jorn is on the two latest humongous Avantasia installments, his solo band’s upcoming “Dio,” and whoopteedoo, a new duet album with Russel Allen courtesy of Swedish producer-guitarist Magnus Karlsson. Masterplan’s choice for a title could not have been more telling: It’s Jorn’s time to be king, especially since Dio’s much grieved departure.

Enough Jorn now, it’s Masterplan who are on the dissecting table for this review. It’s funny, considering what a talented band they are, Masterplan never quite made it to the hallowed pantheon of power/melodic metal. Hopefully this changes once the full impact of “Time To Be King” sinks in among those who indulge the album. Once you’re dazzled by fairy dust upon pushing the ‘play’ button, an epic opener lays down the law that every song henceforth shall follow. First track “Fiddle of Time” simply bleeds melody and is carried to lofty places by the impassioned tenderness that’s the hallmark of Jorn Lande’s throatwork. What sets Masterplan’s brand of power/heavy metal apart from the herd is they don’t resort to the usual tricks. No speed metal drudgery, no fey keyboards (though Axel Mackenrott is quite the accomplished tickler of ivories), dumb fantasy lyrics about Atlantis or testicle popping falsettos. Instead of the usual dross, Masterplan are catchy, uplifting, cliché free, and ever so cool.

The album’s rollicking pace eases a bit on “Blow Your Winds” until the quintet deliver “Far From the End of the World.” It’s a sci fi concept piece about an astronaut who escapes his doomed planet and finds a new home halfway across the solar system. A hefty dose of bombast drives the soaring title track and when Masterplan come down to earth, they’re ready for earnest, heartfelt material (“The Dark Road’) followed by epic narratives (“Blue Europa,” “The Sun is In Your Hands”) and finally wrap the grand affair with the slow waltz that’s “Under The Moon.” Masterful as only Masterplan can be, “Time To Be King” isn’t perfect, but it is worth your time and money.

note: 8/10


Fiddle of Time
Blow Your Winds
Far From The End of The World
Time To Be King
Lonely Winds of War
The Dark Road
The Sun is In Your Hands
The Black One
Blue Europa
Under The Moon


Jorn Lande- Vocals
Roland Grapow- Guitars
Jan-Soren Eckert- Bass
Axel Mackenrott- Keyboards
Mike Terrana- Drums

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