Band: PereirA
Album Title: A Matter of Perspective
Label: Independent
Release Date: June 2012
cdbaby, restorm, shortly on itunes
Genre: Progressive, Alternative and Nu metal
PereirA Is the creation Of Conrad pereira, a singer, bassist and guitarist.
Calling it a day with bands, made up his mind to invest in a small studio at
home to assist all those ideas still ringing in his head. The result- 20 songs and a 14 song album called, 'A Matter of Perspective' PereirA was masterminded on the 1st Of July 2011. A mix of ideas and styles like nu metal, Progressive , alternative, acid jazz, alternative, ethnic, down tempo, brutal metal, dub step, rap core, symphonic etc., makes this album worth listening to. His two finger tapping techniques on bass, similar to John
Myung of Dream Theater, power guitar and a combination of vocal frequencies makes this a fest, to make you frantic.
Conrads childhood lacked any means of comfort but was richly compensated with the familys huge love for music. Growing up with musicians, he first broke out, on hearing Rob Halford sing. At an early age of ten till todays PereirA, he has been very active with a number of bands.
PereirA is a new awakening, a discovery, an invention, a dream come true, the combining of heart Soul and mind, blood sweat tears and hard work. Conrad comes from small town of Basel In Switzerland, with Portuguese and Indian Roots. He is also a Chef by profession. He loves Judas Priest & Dream Theater and credits them both for helping him realize. Pereira Is classified as progressive, Alternative and Nu metal. Conrad seems to like
to experiment with different styles, it adds spice to flavor, he says. A Matter of Perspective is a mix of Emotions , a recipe borrowed and made from life. Conrads Music comes from the heart. He wants to keep on composing as long as he can. Hes has finally found a way to do something he loves. It aint been easy he says but Its been worthwhile.
Band Line-Up:
Conrad Pereira: all Instruments and mixing etc.
1- Ashes to Ashes
2- Damage Plan
3- The Devil in Me
4- Fright Night
5- Live and Let Live
6- Loco
7- Love Song to No One
8- Memory Lapse of Reason
9- Planetrano
10- Regret
11- Spacetown
12- Till De'th Do Us Apart
13- Without You
14- A Better Man