BALMOG „Testimony Of The Abominable”

BALMOG „Testimony Of The Abominable” - okładka
Music: Black Metal
Duration: 42:20 minutes
Country: Spain

Balmog is an black metal horde from country of bullfighters, beautiful women, beaches and high temperatures. The musicians began to play in 2003, so the crew are experienced in the field of black storm sounds, indeed two guys granted in other metal projects. After a series of Ep`s, splits and demos which realized, much to the delight of fans, own first full-length release, merge their existing vision to create unholy worship in honor of Lucifer.

Starting from first song “Under Two Horns”, the band rips at breakneck speed not sparing the listener, implying his demonic and hideous noise was not familiar with pity, glorifying their strength and devotion to the black arts. Practically, there are no exemptions, except maybe a few moments. Powerful, diabolical trans poured out of the speakers, enveloping his thick atmosphere environment. Cold, psychotic guitars, along with the storm raging cavalcade of bass, drums and killer vocals parties, destroying everything in its path. Words like evil, nihilism and madness take when listening to this album a real shapes. It is the sound of something pretty damn disturbing, not allowing peaceful sit still. Besides, black metal has always shocked, causing uncertainty among millions of devout flock, making their hands in humble prayer and supplication for mercy. The songs are long, more than five minutes each, and despite a fairly specific, condensed forms of arrangement are not bored for a moment. Rituality of this album is incredibly addictive, completely distracted us from reality. Cruel, primitive evil, which are steeped in the sounds leave no illusions as to the condition of the modern world and the direction in which it is going. Balmog with your music is simply the essence of obscenity and bestiality in pure form. The only deviation from the norm is the last song “Inframundi”, which is an interesting closing the disc. Dark ambient – industrail suite, introduces a bit of breathing space, perfectly complementing the whole album, even though does not have a lower dose of gloom and restlessness.

Balmog team recorded a good chunk of black metal, maybe not very original, but really interesting, spontaneous and uncompromising. Fans of bands like: Marduk, Gorgoroth and Dark Funeral will feel like at home. Feel fiery temper and evilness in their sound. Spain again flared by devilish heat.

note: 7.5/10


1. Under Two Horns
2. Tenebrous apparitions
3. Hochmah Nistarah
4. Transmutatio
5. Vision
6. Flesh Offering
7. Inframundi


Balc – Vocals, Guitars
Morg – Bass
Virus – Drums

The founder and owner of Metal Centre Mailorder & Webzine, with a deep passion for various music genres, including Thrash, Heavy, Power, Death, and Black Metal. With a strong connection to the global metal community, he is dedicated to sharing his love for these styles of music through both his mailorder service and webzine. Currently residing in Downers Grove, IL, USA, he previously lived in Rzeszów, Poland, where his journey into the world of metal began.
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