UBUREN – Interview with the band
I dont know, how many Poles have heard about Uburen Im sure, that less than my IQ equals (an believe me, Im not Einstein). But when this Norwegian band had arrived to Cracow after almost 30 hours of journey, I was sure, that it will be something special. Its enough to hear their music- cold and typical nordic black metal. So who the fuck said, that all in black metal is dead after De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas !?
I'm holding the box which housed the CD now seeping sleepily from the speakers on this hot and stuffy day at the end of July 2013. The packaging is nice, why not, collourful, with clouds (which wouldn't be amiss on an album cover by a domestic or foreign pop act) and white lettering on a beetroot-red background proudly proclaiming Maciek Szymczuk “Clouds”.