Music: Ásatrú black metal
Country:: USA
Duration: 43:07 minut (8 utworów)
Havent heard about Asatru before? Better check it out, even on Wikipedia, cause this nordic religion is main topic in music from Ancestral Oath- one of the best newcomer bands this year!
Oh, and does 'Edda' sound familiar to you? Don't worry, have my permission, you can use Google again…
Whats important, Daniel Jackson doesnt try to copy the Norwegian black metal sound- when you listen to The World Falls, have no doubt, where does the musician come from. The next characteristic on Ancestral Oaths music are catchy melodies, which make a mystic impression- good example for it is Born Of Ash or, the best in my opinion, Far Away From The Sun with acoustic intro in Wyrd style, which changes into guitrars battle. But on the other side, on The Old One Saught ME you can hear some melancholy, that creates foggy atmosphere, also audible on The Earth Anew. But there Jackson had another surprise- clean vocals (sounds pretty good, ehats not so common among black metal musicians) But sometimes Ancestral Oath attacks our ears with agressive Endless or merciless Profession and A Noble Name Will Never Die
Well, Ancestral Oath is exactly like this famous box of chocolates. And you never know what youre gonna get
note: 9/10
Born Of Ash
Far Away From The Sun
A Noble Name Will Never Die
The Old One Sought Me
The World Falls
The Earth Anew
Daniel Jackson- all instruments, vocals