MENSCHEITSDAMMERUNG „Cleaver Of Skies And Tenets”

MENSCHEITSDAMMERUNG „Cleaver Of Skies And Tenets” - okładka
Music: black metal
Country: Belgium
Duration: 27:37 (5 songs)

I’ve recieved the Menschheitsdämmerung CD together with Ancestral Oath and Schwarzer Abt, so the competition was really huge. This time also german band’s name- that means it’ll be good…

Next interesting aspects are the songs’ titles- it’s definitely easier to learn Sheakspeare in original by heart, than remember thet long sentences as titles. But the sound isn’t so interesting- Menscheitsdammerung’s music is quite oldfashioned, when talking about black metal- slower parts, agressive guitar wall and vocals made the band’s music pleasant to listen, but it’s not original at all!

Let’s start with vocals- after a while I’ve noticed, that they sound totally like Abbath’s voice! That’s the most audible on „The Pick ( Or When Fortuity And Dolition Interwine)”, where Frederik even tries to expose his skills- I have to say it sounds great -connected with guitars and drums… Also „The Kill (or, An Unbound Animosity Manifested)” is quite special thanks to its slower tempo, which makes that track the fastest on the whole album. And otherwise nothing new- slower parts, faster parts, more agressive vocals and less agressive ones… It’s easy to become accustomed, but a bit harder to kick the habit and stop listening to it…

Well, excatly like I’ve already said- „Cleaver Of Skies And Tenets” is very good album, but let’s forget about all that Norwegian stuff and try to think about something creative…Deal?

note: 7/10


The Pick (Or, When Fortuity and Volition Intertwine)
The Hunt (Or, Supplanting the Weltanschauung)
The Catch (Or, a Prepotent Exertion of Ascendancy)
The Kill (Or, an Unbound Animosity Manifested)
The Feed (Or, How the Quintessence of Nature Prevails)


Frederik- all instruments

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