KAYO DOT – The Mortality Of Doves

Yesterday NPR posted a new Kayo Dot track “The Mortality of Doves” which showcases a drastic change in direction from the bands' upcoming retro-future noir full-length “Coffins On Io.”

Kayo Dot’s evolution has been governed by an inscrutable inner-logic. The accessible songwriting on “Coffins on Io” and the emphasis on vocal melody and electronic percussion makes the record’s darkness and intensity familiar yet relatable. “Coffins on Io” is the album you never knew you wanted but cannot live without.

“With sparse percussion, a Sisters Of Mercy-style guitar melody, and Driver's falsetto (!) coo, this is the stuff of cyberpunk slow jams. Synths ooze from Blade Runner's pores and jazz-noir sax sneaks beneath, plodding along with a bleak sensuality matched by Driver's morbidly romantic words: “And no one noticed this coffin heaving / These earthen boards thick with deceiving.” Are these the vapors, or just carbon monoxide?” – NPR

“Coffins On Io” will be released on vinyl, CD, and digital formats on October 14th. Currently vinyl is on schedule!


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