9000 JOHN DOE ?Redneck Is The New Black?

Mighty Music, 2014

Music: Hardcore
Website: www.facebook.com/9000johndoe
Duration: 43:00 minutes (11 tracks)
Country: Denmark


The members describe their music as “Hillbilly Hardcore” and I think something like that is because if we consider the etymology of the word “hillbilly” then we get the typical associations with the word “rural?, ?village” (or, if you will – “redneck”)…

“Redneck Is The New Black” is a strong, sharp and pugnacious phrases, sometimes even hysterical, sometimes even witty, and also rich in the predatory screams and the accents of growls or the background vocals. The grooving compositions juggle among themes of Hardcore touching on elements of other genres of Metal, as Southern, Thrash and Death consolidated by breath of Rock’n’Roll. Thanks to this arrangement, despite its the apparent simplicity the songs prove to be quite extensive and varied.

9000 JOHN DOE undeniably presents Hillbilly Hardcore, like their music goes back to the roots (such the same are people from the village who goes back to the roots) … Of course in this case there are roots of Hardcore with the elements of Punk Rock, with the simplicity and the aggression. Indeed, their music is loud, shrill, uncouth and rebellious (like rural manners). In addition, their music also sometimes is funny (funny like people from outside the cities), and above all, their music is varied (like rural culture with lots of color, dialects, dialects, customs and traditions)…



1. Redneck is the New Black
2. Snaps Till Death
3. Did She Say That
4. Like a Canonball
5. Never Corner a Cobra
6. Black Heart
7. Country Zombie
8. Lightning Queen
9. The House Rules
10. Devilish Blues
11. 4 Bastards



Tommy Kn?s – vocals
Mikkel R. Clausen – bass
Morten Larsen – drums
Thomas Gajhede ? guitars


Rate: 7.5/10

Home: Parczew (Poland). Interests / Hobbies: music, musical journalism, oriental studies, anthropology, psychology, medicine, sociology. Favourite music genres: first of all the all genres of Metal, Hardcore and Progressive Rock as well as Gothic, Ambient, Classical Music, Ethnic Music, Sacred Music, Choral Music, Soundtracks, New Age Music, Folk Music i sometimes Jazz, Electro, Experimental or Alternative Music... He co-founded magazine & webzine Born To Die'zine as Gnom.

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