Inside interviews with Sebastian Madejski (BELTAINE IMPROVED, TAŃCE SNU, LOOPUS DUO, DAMA KRUK), TeHÔM, TREPANERINGSRITUALEN, SUI GENERIS UMBRA, PRZEMEK RUDŹ, BURMA PROJECT, MAREK PRZYBYŁA, 23 THREADS, ART OF EMPATHY. Articles about: PAMELA COLMAN SMITH (Tarot Rider-Waite), KWIATY KONTRKULTUROWEJ REWOLUCJI, NICO (History of artist life), NA FALI DŹWIĘKU (on soundwave), KORMORANY (sound delirium), relation from festivals: CoCArt Festival, Wrotycz Festival, Trans:Wizje and 15 pages reviews!!! On the cover and in this number are presented pictures and the profile of magical artist Marek Przybyla.
The tenth number of HARD ART / 68 pages about the music, art and independent culture. The magazine in Polish language. HARD ART 10 + CD / ART OF EMPATHY – “Posthuman Decadence” digipack A5 CD – GRATIS!! release from Bunkier Productions.
price: 2 euro