SOULS OF TIDE – She’s Dead (single- & video)

The music can be linked to bands like Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and The Doors, but in a new and exiting wrapping.  Souls of Tide have already released an EP since the band originated out of Hamar, Norway early 2014.  Late 2015 they signed a deal with Mighty Music and their first release is the  “She’s Dead” single/video.
A full length album named “Join the Circus” is scheduled for world wide release August 26th, 2016.
Both single and album are produced by the experienced producer Endre Kirkesola who teamed up with the band for one week of recordings at a cabin up in the Norwegian mountains. Isolated away from anything but nature, rock n roll and some alcohol, the band got pushed to its limits which clearly can be heard in the music!
Vegar Larsen – Vocals
Anders Langberg – Guitar
Ole Kristian Østby – Lead Guitar
Øyvind Strõnen Johannesen – Bass
Tommy Kristiansen – Drums
Kjetil Banken – Hammond

Home: Parczew (Poland). Interests / Hobbies: music, musical journalism, oriental studies, anthropology, psychology, medicine, sociology. Favourite music genres: first of all the all genres of Metal, Hardcore and Progressive Rock as well as Gothic, Ambient, Classical Music, Ethnic Music, Sacred Music, Choral Music, Soundtracks, New Age Music, Folk Music i sometimes Jazz, Electro, Experimental or Alternative Music... He co-founded magazine & webzine Born To Die'zine as Gnom.
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