MISSION JUPITER „Architecture”
Epictronic Records, 2018 125
EVULSE Reveals Debut Demo Details
Godz Ov War Productions proudly announce the release of Call of the Void – the highly acclaimed demo by Oakland, California based Evulse, with members of Mortuous, Swamp Witch and Augurs. 120
HETEROGENEOUS ANDEAD – Interview with Yusuke Kiyama (guitar) and Haruka (growling & singing)
The country of the blossoming cherry has fascinated me from my childhood, like my editorial colleague, especially martial arts, philosophy, religion and of course traditional music. For that reason we did not give thought long to do the interview with HETEROGENEOUS ANDEAD – death-metalheads from Japan, whose music is quite peculiar, mainly cause of vocals, […]
DRUKNROLL „Unbalanced”
Metal Scrap Records, 2018 93
GRUZJA Reveals Debut Album Details
Gruzja and their I Iść Dalej (And Move Further) debut full length is soon to be released. On a black metal scene featuring virtually any subgenre one might think of, this is going to be a hell of a record that will actually make you verify your views and opinions! A totally unpredictable and astonishing […]
POPIÓŁ reveals debut album details
After a 20-year long hiatus, the idea is eventually brought to life. Based on Thy Worshiper’s former and current members, and deriving its name from Thy Worshiper’s identically titled debut release, Popiół members come forth, saying “there is a time for everything. They say you can’t turn back time, but… We have decided to continue […]
VODNIK – Interview with Vince Anastasi (drums)
„You can compare some of our sound to bands like Meshuggah and Pantera who have labeled themselves or have been labeled as ‘groove metal’. (…) the new material is going to be a huge, heavy step up from ODOJ. It’s going be wild and brutal.” – Vince Anastasi. 182