Metal Centre and Asher Media Relations arranged for you the album of ATOMIC TRIP “Strike #3”. For fans of Conan, Bongripper, Electric Wizard, Toner Low. So, if you want to get this CD then you write for us by our profiles of FB (English or Polish)!
1. Follow English facebook MetalCentre page:
Polish facebook Metal Centre PL page:
2. And leave a comment under the post with the contest and like the post!
3. One person of you will get the CD with album of ATOMIC TRIP “Strike #3”.
4. The contest is active until 5th February
6. Good luck!
“We are so proud of our third album. We think that we have pushed all barriers to keep our motto: less is more. With a few riffs, we have made a progressive psychedelic doom masterpiece. Here the most simple becomes the most complex and every single note weighs a ton. A ton of harmonics, of resonance, of feedback. When we first played those tracks live, we were not confident and hesitant, but people reacted so well! From dark basements to the bigger stages at metal festivals, it has always been a total blast, from the top to the final drum hit. To describe Strike #3 in one sentence: like it or loathe it, you cannot ignore it.”
Band: Atomic Trip
Album Title: STRIKE #3
Release Date: Digital = Oct 27th, 2022 – Vinyl = March 24, 2023
Label: Doom & Doomer Records, Tentacles Industries
Vinyl pre-order via Tentacles Industries –
Track Listing:
1. Bomb #5 – 24:12
2. Bomb #6 – Length 20:47
Album Length: 45:00
Album Recording Credits:
• All songs performed by: ATOMIC TRIP
• All songs written by: ATOMIC TRIP
• Produced by: ATOMIC TRIP
• Mixed by: Alexandre Borel
• Mastered by: Alexandre Borel
• Album Artwork by: Jean-Luc Navette
Album and Live Band Lineup:
Gary McDoom (Guitar)
Jean-Claude VanDoom (Guitar)
Grom Tattooer (Drums)
The album as a whole (LYRICALLY & MUSICALLY):
You have been stunned by the first Strike and the two heavy bombs that dropped on your body and in your soul.
You have been knocked out by the second Strike and two more bombs that bombed your dizzy brain.
Get ready to get destroyed by the third Strike! Darker, louder, longer, and still more devastating.
The guitars will crush your head piece by piece, the drums will slowly smash your mind out of your body, the strident choruses will cause your death in a long, painful and unstoppable tinnitus.
That’s your only option.
Drink more booze than ever, smoke more weed than ever and wait. Wait for the end of your torment.
Track by track (LYRICALLY & MUSICALLY):
– Bomb #5 starts with a pretense, an introduction that makes you wonder if your turntable is working properly. But without warning, the tone rises, rises, rises imperceptibly. The 3 riffs follow each other and bring each their share of finesse and heaviness. And it ends in a fuzz apocalypse, which gives way to an almost tribal drumming, made of toms rolls, which conclude with a final bludgeoning of toms. In short, a play in 3 acts, but it does not end.
– Bomb #6 follows with penetrating feedback and toms rolls, before a brutal silence and the entrance of the absolute anvil, its main riff which is the summit, and the summary of the whole universe of the band. The more it goes on, the more the psychedelic heaviness sets in. And the end is just as definitive, with two last leaden minutes that twist your brain, concluded by leaking feedback and a final absolutely definitive drum hit.
1. Doing long tracks is really a pain in the ass, because of the vinyl’s maximum length. On one side, you can barely put in more than 20 minutes of music and for us, it’s not an option to cut our tracks. That’s why we always have to edit the song to make it fit on a 12” LP. For Strike #3, the LP version of Bomb #5 is far shorter than the CD/cassette and digital versions
2. JC hasn’t played the guitar before doing it in Atomic Trip. Basically, the first few notes he played were the first riff of Bomb #1. As he is a high-level singer and artist, it came naturally to him to play an instrument. Gary was supposed to play the bass in Atomic Trip at first, but as JC needed some guitar landmarks, Gary played guitar as well and the band went on like that.
3. Grom didn’t know anything about doom, sludge, or stoner before entering the band. He had to work hard to strike slowly as his background was fast rock and punk rock.
4. For the first album, we gave Jean-Luc Navette (international tattoo artist and illustrator) a carte blanche to draw the artwork. He did something incredible while listening to it and we instantly loved the outcome. So now, we just reproduce the same process. He listens to what we have recorded and creates imagery based on his inner feelings.

The dope factory has exploded, inhale the smoke and prepare to trip. First, the violent blast of fuzz hits you in the face, then you board for a journey into blurry and muzzy dreams. Plug your darkest fuzz, light your joint, uncap your booze and feel the raw power of doom. We’re all atomic zombies trippin’ on slow riffs.
2022 – STRIKE #3
2019 – STRIKE #2
2017 – STRIKE #1