Hello everybody. What's up ?
Hello Marie. It's o.k., but if it would stop rain, so should I feel a lot better.
Matte, some band story should be nice.
Me and Erik started Godgory August'92.
How often does Godgory rehearse ?
Actually we don't rehearse that often. We, do rehearse a lot before gigs or studio recordings. Our reh. local is situated in the basement at Erik's house.
You record your demo at Unisound Studio with Dan Swano. You must like that studio Unisound, because your new material is also recorded there.
Yes, we like Unisound and we like Dan Swanö. He makes a great sound. He really knows what he doing.
How does the line-up look like today ?
We got a full line-up now.
Matte Andersson-vox
Micke Dahlqvist-guitar
Stefan Olsson-guitar
Figge Danielsson-bass
Erik Andersson-drums
How about tracks and lyrics ? I mean inspiration and so on ?
It's Erik as write the most of the riffs so it's difficult for me to answer on. But he catch up new riffs at reh, and than he asks us what we think. Than if someone got any idea, we try it until everybody is satisfied. Inspiration to lyrics, I got it from stuff I read, or see at TV, or it can be something I thinking about.
Played live and so on ? More bands ?
Actually, we have only played live 3 times. 1 together with Dawn of Decay.
What about the future ?
We send our material to record' labels and hope for the best. That they want to release it.
We have reach the end. Anything you want to add ?
Thanks for the interview. Good-Luck with your zine.
Marie Crona
(ex-Exhumation zine.)