Hello. I am Andrew. How are you doing? I have to say that I am amazed with the re-issue of “In times before the light”. Not just re-issue but re-mixed and re-designed. It is like The Kovenant covers Covenant. How did you decide for an act like this?
Thank you very much. I had the idea a couple of years ago, because I have always wanted to do something with the album. I was never satisfied with the original release. I talked to Psy about it, and he was also very enthusiastic about the whole idea. I though about just re-recording the whole album, but that wouldn't have felt right. At last I am satisfied with it.
The lay out and the booklet have also changed. Is this in order to be similar to your new image? I think you did it yourselves, right?
Yes we have done the layout ourselves. We didnt want to use the old layout, when we did everything new. It also fits our current style more. The layout for the new album will be done by noen other than Dave McKean (who does the comic “Sandman” among other things).
Many people hated you for “betraying the black metal standards”. Is this a try to approach these people again but still with your unique sound or you feel that your first album does not represent you as a band and you wanted to make it closer to your nowadays sound?
“Betraying the black metal standards”…hahaha…I like that one. We only did this remix for ourselves, and not for anybody else. The first album represents an earlier version of The Kovenant, and it always will, no matter what we do to it.
What is your favorite album of yours and why? Oh shit! It sounds like a question been asked in school…
Hehehe… My favourite album of ours, would have to be the new one. We have just finished it. It is much more mature than our previous records. Allthough I also like them alot as well…
With “Animatronic” you had bad comments not only from fans but also from black metal bands like Satyricon. Do you still have to face attitudes like these?
I think every band has to face this kind of stupidity. I think Satyricon sucks, and thats all I'm ever going to say about them… The fans aren't the ones to bad mouth a band…It's more the “jealous” musicians and a few idiot journalists…or “critics”, as they like to call them selves. But, we do this for ourselves, and that's all that matters.
Most of the black metal bands have changed their sound in their latest releases. See Burzum, Arcturus, Ancient even Mayhem! Even though, you had to face the most complains. Do you think that happened because electronic sounds are considered to be far away from heavy metal? Mayhem had problems with “Grand declaration of war” too.
If you haven't got anything nice to say, then people should keep their mouth shut. Mayhem has not had any problems with “GDOW” and neither has any other of those bands. A few loosers who doesn't like the music anymore, doesn't really matter. Since, like I said..We all do this for ourselves. If you had been talking about Brittney Spears or A1 or somne crap like that, it would be bad. Because they do this to make money, and we don't. Electronic “sounds” is not far away from metal… Its just music. If you don't like it, then don't buy the album. Its as easy as that.
Let`s forget the problems other people have! What kind of music do you listen to now?
I listen to alot of different crap…hehehe. Crowhead, Apoptygma Berzerk, Zensor, Outkast, Sountracks to alot of movies… Techno, rap, metal, pop, goth, jazz, reaggea, rock…alot of what you generally wouldn't assume that someone like me doesn't listen to…
Do you know any Greek metal band? I suppose you know Rotting Christ who have changed their style too.
I know of a few Greek bands. Haven't heard the newer stuff from Rotting Christ. But if they have changed their style, then that's good… Progression not regression.
There was a band from Norway I like pretty much and that is Ved Buens Ende. They are not known a lot in my country. Have you ever listened to them? What is your opinion about them?
Great band. I know the guys. Carl Michael used to be in Dimmu Borgir, when I also was with them. Not your typical “norwegian metal band”..hehehe.
Last question! What are your expectations with this re-issue? Another Grammy maybe?!!! I want to thank you for your time and I hope to see you live in Greece one day.
Don't think you can win a Grammy for such an old album, but that would be really cool. Then we would have one for all of our albums. Hehehe. It was just good to finally get the album out. And the sound really kicks ass. Will also be nice to finally earn some money of our music… Since we havent been paid for years for any of our other albums…dispite the massive sales… … We will however see you in the future. Gonna try to visit Greece on our next tour as well.. See you then. Hailz to you all! IconBehalf of The Kovenant