ENTHRALLMENT „Smashed Brain Collection”

ENTHRALLMENT „Smashed Brain Collection” - okładka
Music: Death/Grind
Country: Bulgaria
Website: www.enthrallment.net
Duration: 31:30
Cool songs: Carnal Affection, Experiment With You, Graveyard, Awaiting Death.

“Smashed Brain Collection” is the debut album from Bulgaria's ENTHRALLMENT on Grindethic Records. It's the band's first full length after a couple of demos and some lineup changes. It's everything a grind fan wants with pounding blast beats and gutteral growls throughout. It's a case of, if you like the genre Death/Grind, then you'll be enthralled with ENTHRALLMENT. If you don't, well……I'm not a big fan of brutal grind, but it has it's moments, for me. There is little variation from the brutal grind from song to song, but breaks into some headbanging rhythms here and there like in “Total Zombie Domination”. “Mutant” pounds out some good Cannibal Corpse type rhythm, as does “Graveyard” and “Awaiting Death”.

It's a good listen if you eat brutality for breakfast. Heavy, pounding, growling Bulgarian Death/Grind with no surprises. It's just how you'd think Bulgarian Death would sound.

note: 5/10


1. Smashed Brain Collection.
2. Carnal Affection.
3. Experiment With You.
4. Disgruntled.
5. Total Zombie Domination.
6. Mutant.
7. Supporting The Chaos & Hate.
8. Graveyard.
9. Awaiting The Death.


Plam – vox
Chris – guitar
Lachez – bass
Ivo – drums

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